the colbys episode 17 - “the outcast”

The last thing I wanted was a stupid kidnapping story. Fortunately, the Colbys gods agreed. The family and security are frantically searching the grounds - even Sable. Sable, however, took a shower first because her hair was wet. Jason is certain that the furniture movers could not have nabbed L.B. because there is too much security on the grounds - totally true. Jason’s pocket watch goes off, but it is not in his pocket. Jason miraculously follows the sound to some storage room where L.B. is just sitting in a wicker basket. I guess the moving men put him in there or he went to hide in there. I don’t know, because it really is hard to understand him. Then again, does it really matter. Everyone is grateful that Jason found L.B.

L.B forgot to tell people he wanted to play hide and seek

L.B forgot to tell people he wanted to play hide and seek

So, what is the point of all of this then? Oh, of course it is to break the ice between Jason and Jeff. If that is all that was needed, maybe Connie locked L.B. in the basket, since she does like to interfere. Now that Jeff has accepted Jason as his father, Jeff is ready to have the wedding in the Colby mansion. Jason is agreeable to this. Seriously, this is crazy. What about Miles? Everyone is like he will get over it. And Miles may (not likely). But, how about asking Miles first? How about getting his thoughts on the matter before issuing the edict.

Sable can’t believe Jason wants the wedding in the mansion

Sable can’t believe Jason wants the wedding in the mansion

And an edict it is. Sable cannot believe Jason would allow the wedding to be in the mansion. Even more incredulous, Jason wants Sable to plan the wedding. Sable wants to be Mrs. Jason Colby and the mistress of the mansion, that is her obligation. Jason, finally, has something on Sable. Sable really has no choice but to accept. Sable’s first planning session with Fallon does not go well as Sable uses it as an opportunity to insult Fallon and tell her that she doesn’t like her. Fallon does a decent job of pushing back. But, guess what, the wedding is going to happen and the two will somehow have to work together.

Now Sable is pissed

Now Sable is pissed

Sable and Jason have an understanding

Sable and Jason have an understanding

As expected, Miles does not take the news of the wedding in the mansion very well. First, he corners Fallon in the garage and accuses her of wanting the wedding in the mansion to get back at him. For what? Well, we can’t call it rape (which it was) so we will just say the time he treated her horribly. Miles threatens Fallon again and she is actually a bit scared of Miles. Still a good idea to have the wedding in the mansion? Second, Miles confronts his father about having the wedding in the mansion, but that gets nowhere. It’s going to happen. Miles probably should go somewhere else for a while - there are plenty of Colby residences, even an house in Connecticut (why?).

Reflections of the way life used to be

Reflections of the way life used to be

Yay!! Dominique is in town, and she is not thrilled that Monica fired Neil. Monica claims that Neil was not loyal to Titania, but Monica never really vetted Wayne’s claims, but Dominique did. Jupiter Records spoke to both Wayne and Neil and told each that the other was coming on board. It was one of the oldest tricks in the book, and Monica got played. This is what happens Dominique when you put a corporate lawyer in charge on your company. Dominique wants Monica to resolve this. Monica never should have had her judgment clouded by her personal feelings for Neil and the fact that Neil did not tell her of his estranged wife. Maybe, Dominique should not have said anything in the first place.

Underused on Dynasty and underused on The Colbys

Underused on Dynasty and underused on The Colbys

Later, at Jeff and Fallon’s engagement party at Dominique’s (we will get to the other events later), Dominique asks Monica if she has solved the issue yet with Neil. Of course Monica had not, and of course Dominique invited Neil to the club and he happens to be at the bar - and in a tux, since that is what I normally wear when I go out. Dominique also advises Monica to follow her heart, but that advice seems more appropriate for Dominique and her lingering feelings for Garrett. Monica asks Neil to come back to Titania - and Neil agrees to do so on two conditions - 1.) that he and Monica are co-directors at Titania, and 2.) Monica whisks Neil off to San Francisco again. Monica is amendable to the first condition but not the second. Their relationship will be strictly business.

Geez. I wonder what they could be talking about

Geez. I wonder what they could be talking about

Roger is unable to get matters cleared up with the British Foreign Ministry and he will be stationed in Singapore. Frankie tells Jeff that she will join him in a week. Jeff does not want Frankie to leave just yet with the wedding coming up. Fallon will need all the support she can have, especially from a woman. Fallon can get plenty of support in Denver. I guess Frankie agrees to stay even if that means she will be attending the wedding in Sable’s house. A fact that Sable reminds her of at the engagement party.

Sable reminds Frankie whose house it is.

Sable reminds Frankie whose house it is.

Sable tells Miles the truth about her and Zach and why Miles found Sable at Zach’s apartment. Sable still loves Jason and could not be unfaithful to him. Miles appreciates the honesty. In fact, Miles appreciates the honesty so much that he goes to Zach and uses that information to get Zach to get the police off his neck regarding the deaths of Lavatis and Mahoney. Why can’t Jason do it? Because leaning on the police is not Jason’s style, but it is Zach’s. Anyway, Zach agrees to help out Miles. So, Zach now has Sable and Miles owing him.

Miles is really taking things well

Miles is really taking things well

Jason does not want to wait for a settlement to divorce Sable. He wants to proceed without a settlement. Garrett tells Jason that it is not such a good idea because a judge may be sympathetic to Sable and give her more than she entitled to, which may include voting stock. Garrett feels investors and the like may not be comfortable with Sable having such power at Colby Enterprises. No, Jason needs a settlement first. Jason feels stuck.

Gotta love the chemistry!

Gotta love the chemistry!

Well, maybe meddling Connie will help Jason get unstuck. Connie wants an update on her surveillance of Sable. She also wants it to end soon since she hates doing thing this way. Really, Connie? She seems to be enjoying it. Connie is in luck as Jessup will have a report for her that night. Even better luck, just as Connie was inquiring about the surveillance, the investigators, who have bugged Sable’s office at the Colby Collection taped a conversation between Sable and Zach where Zach tells Sable that he wants to make love to her and Sable’s response is that they need to be careful. This totally implies that the two are having an affair, and now it is on tape. A tape which is in Connie’s hands.

Wait. what is this device.

Wait. what is this device.

As noted earlier, Fallon and Jeff are having their engagement party at Dominique’s. You would think that Jason could afford to have the club just for his guests. You would also think that Monica and Bliss could manage to bring dates. Miles managed to find some woman to bring. Miles’s arrival was not expected but Miles being drunk at the time probably was expected. Everyone fears Miles will make a scene and it looks like he is about to when he takes the microphone from Jason to give a toast to Fallon and Jeff. It appears Miles is about to do something horrible, but ends up backing down and wishes them well. Everyone is relieved.

Just stand there, Jason

Just stand there, Jason

After the party, Fallon and Jeff are in the guest house and Fallon truly believes that Miles may be coming to terms with the wedding. I highly doubt that. Further, Fallon does not want to wait until after the wedding to make love to Jeff. She wants to do it now. Jeff is game. As the two begin to make love, the camera moves to a peeping Tom in the window. Oh look, it is Miles, who is clenching the scarf that Fallon could not find and says to himself, “You’ll never be free of me, Randall. Never.” Wait, is he going to watch the two of them do it - creepy. Totally creepy.

Can’t wait for the wedding

Can’t wait for the wedding

Memorable Dialogue

Sable (to Jason): Fine, we’ll share it. Jeff can stay here for a while. But I will not see him marry that girl in this house.

Fallon: You used to love me.
Miles: For old time’s sake, here’s a wedding present. Some good advice - careful how far you push me - real careful.

Dominique: I still don’t understand why you fired Neil so quickly.
Monica: He wasn’t loyal to this company - it’s that simple.
Dominique: To Titania or to the Director?

Sable: Now first of all, color schemes. Since I think we hardly can get away with virginal white or ivory or even beige - I had thought of persimmon.
Fallon: [Angrily] Persimmon! Look, Sable, I will choose my own wedding dress - thank you! You don’t like me very much, do you.
Sable: Not very much - no.
Fallon: I used to wish you did. But, I’ve seen what happens to people you love - Miles and Jason. And you know what? It’s safe to be someone you don’t like.

Jason: Jeff’s my son.
Miles: And what am I - garbage/

Sable: Eaves dropping, Connie. Maybe we should get the keyholes raised to eye level - it will be easier on your back.

Sable (to Frankie): So sensitive of Fallon and Jeff, don’t you think? I’m surprised they haven’t asked Miles to be the ring bearer.

Sable (to Frankie): Just remember - stay out of my way. And if you can control yourself for a change, stay out of my husband’s bed too.

Jason: Why can’t you leave her [Frankie] alone?
Sable: Same reason you couldn’t, darling - she’s irresistible.

Previous Episode - My Father’s House
Next Episode -
The Wedding