dynasty Episode 97 - Swept Away
Little Kristina has accepted the transfusion and she will be fine. That little girl is a fighter. Now, if things could only be fine between Blake and Krystle. Krystle is giving Blake the silent treatment. Or, the quasi-silent treatment. She is civil to him, but loves to turn away from him every time he speaks to her or does something nice for her like buy her a pearl necklace.
Gee, Krystle, can't you just look at him!
Krystle blames her fight with Blake as the cause for the premature birth of their child. Kristina could have died and all because of Blake's attitude. The two had fought over Rashid Ahmed and Krystle wants to know that truth of Blake's involvement in Rashid's death.
Time for a little CYA
Blake feels vindicated in Rashid's death only because the army officer who shot and killed Rashid did so because he had a personal vendetta against the man. Blake, nor Dominique and Adam, feel any remorse for the role that they played in setting the events that allowed Rashid's death. Besides, the man was a scoundrel, so does it really matter. I don't think so.
I am not impressed by Amanda's sketching abilities
Further, Blake, Dominique and Adam, hold a news conference where they present Rashid's death bed confession that Blake was not responsible for arms smuggling. It is a great performance where they lie and claim that Dominique charmed the confession from Rashid. The press is placated. But, what else can they do? They do not know the real truth and the Turkish government is backing Blake. Blake still does have the issue of the military patrols in the South China Sea that is interfering with his exploration and drilling efforts, but Blake is certain he can take care of that.
The old classic it was a mistake line! Dex will be using it soon!
So Nicki tells Jeff her story and she is on a treasure hunt. Seriously!!! Nicki tells Jeff that Peter was always looking for a way to get rich quickly and he is aware of this golden Incan statue in Peru filled with precious jewels. Peter gave half the map to Fallon and Nicki had the other half. That is why she was so interested in Fallon. She wants to find the map and go get the treasure.
Just a tad guilty
Nicki attempts to get Jeff to become a fellow treasure hunter. Jeff shows little interest until he learns that Peter was in Los Angeles with some model. Maybe it was the model, and not Fallon, that was in that plane that crashed. Further strengthening Jeff's belief is that the model went to Seattle with Peter. Great, so now we get to see Nicki and Jeff on their treasure hunt because Jeff wants to find his real treasure - Fallon. Gag!
Sorry Claudia, they make a better couple
Claudia has that awkward moment when she sees Dean again. It was a one time thing and a mistake. Likely story. It should not happen again. Dean does not like losing Claudia, but what more can he do. When Steven returns from Santa Barbara, Claudia is a little distant because of her feelings of guilt. Claudia continues to suspect there is something more between Steven and Luke. Steven does not help matters by speaking glowingly of Luke and Luke adds fuel to the fire by showing up at the mansion and talking to Claudia like she is competition.
That looks a little feminine, Dex
Amanda is appreciative of Blake in his efforts to find her father. Blake does not want to tell Amanda right away that he suspects that he is Amanda's father. Blake's investigators in Europe have some information. After Alexis left Denver, she holed herself up in Switzerland for months. There was no ski instructor. Blake confronts Alexis. Alexis claims that even if she did conceive Amanda in Colorado, Roger Grimes could be the father. Blake reminds Alexis of their period of reconciliation.
One big happy family
Blake finally threatens Alexis that he will ask Amanda for a blood test, but Alexis will not allow it. As if Alexis has a choice. (The blood test, by the way, can only exclude paternity). Alexis does have a choice, she will convince Amanda to leave Colorado.
When you are on the phone, you must be scheming.
Oh, Alexis this scheme has the hallmarks of backfiring. And it does. Alexis sends Dex and Amanda together to New Mexico. She will join them and the three will go off to London. Alexis should not have left Dex and Amanda alone because the two end up making love after another one of their immature spats. The following morning, Dex does the classic line about it never should have happened and that she not do it again. Amanda reluctantly agrees.
This looks like a snow globe
Just as the awkwardness increases, Alexis arrives and has great news - she is going to take the two to England and while in England, Alexis will marry Dex. Awesome!
The happy couple?
Memorable Dialogue
Alexis: I don't care what your reports says. Naturally, I didn't talk to tourists and itinerants.
Previous Episode - Kristina
Next Episode - That Holiday Spirit