dynasty episode 7 - Krystle's Lie

Blake is not having the best of times.  He feels he can trust no one but Krystle.  Someone fronted Blaisdel the money and he wants to know who?  Krystle looks concerned that Blake may learn that it is she.  At least Krystle will give Blake a child, a child that he can name after himself - unlike Steven, who he chose to name after his father-in-law.  Little does Blake know, Krystle is on birth control.   

Ahhh, the secrets will come out Krystle

Ahhh, the secrets will come out Krystle

With Jeff away in the Middle East, Fallon really has nothing else to do than go out with other men and interfere in her brother's life.  When Steven receives a telegram from Ted, Fallon tries to find out what it says.  Steven tells her that it says Ted plans on being in Los Angeles and San Francisco and is asking Steven to see him.  Well, Steven won't see him, but Fallon decides she will.  What is the point of having a private jet if you cannot use it?  Fallon invites Ted on the jet and asks him to leave her brother alone so Steven can get his birthright.  Ted promises to give Steven some time to sort things out, but he loves Steven, more than anything else.  It is a love that Fallon has the fortune never to have experienced. 

Somebody learned something from her time playing Nancy Drew

Somebody learned something from her time playing Nancy Drew

Matthew learns that it was Ed, the homophobic oil rig worker, who messed with the rig and not Steven.  Ed is not forthcoming with an admission until Matthew beats him up and forces him to squeal during a game of bobbing for cheap beer.  Matthew invites Steven out to the rig and apologizes to him and offers his job back.  Steven does not want Matthew's apology.  Matthew accepted Steven's guilt, just like everyone else, because he is gay.  Makes you think Matthew? 

That is one hot outfit!

That is one hot outfit!

What Matthew didn't think about is that Ed now has an ax to grind.  For some reason, Ed finds out that Claudia is working in some book store and pays her a visit.  Ed tells Claudia that while she was in the hospital, Matthew was carrying on with Krystle.  Claudia's fears have been confirmed and she gives Matthew the cold shoulder that night. 

Claudia is really going to sleep with that necklace

Claudia is really going to sleep with that necklace

Lindsay is giving both of her parents the cold shoulder after she overhears them talking about getting married early and it being a mistake.  You would not expect Lindsay's reaction to be to go to the Hall of Records and pull up her parent's marriage certificate.  Lindsay learns that her parents married because of her, and she is devastated.  I mean, she is seriously devastated.  There are so many worse things in life Lindsay - move on. 

Snooping is never a good idea!

Snooping is never a good idea!

Fallon and Steven share a tender moment, well as tender as it can get since Fallon was drunk.  The two even talk about their mother and how Fallon was so upset that she could not sleep for six months after their mother left.  Once again, Steven refers to himself as the older brother.  That will change in the next season. 

Well, Blake finally learns that Krystle is on birth control and he is not happy.  All he wanted from Krystle is a child.  Now he has a gay son, a whore of a daughter, and a wife he cannot trust.  A wife who is probably sleeping with Blaisdel.  Krystle tries to get away but Blake won't let her.  She is his wife, and she will do her wifely duties.  Nowadays, we call that marital rape. 

Krystle really needs to do a better job hiding her birth control pills

Krystle really needs to do a better job hiding her birth control pills

Memorable Dialogue 

Claudia:  Don't worry, no one is going to say Mathew Blaisdel needs hormone shots because his wife has a part time job. 

Matthew:  I'd rather have a sissy for a friend than a sneak and a coward. 

Fallon (to Krystle):  Well because my husband is out of town and according to your bourgeois ethical system, I should have been locked in my room with a Bronte novel. 

Fallon:  Here I am, the scandal of Colorado, and here you are. . .
Steven:  Blake Carrington's mistake.  Boy, we are a pair.

Blake:  My son is in love with another man.  My daughter is in love with sex - probably still sleeping with every player on my football team.  My wife. . . who knows what my wife is doing behind my back. 


Previous Episode - The Bordello
Next Episode - The Necklace