Dynasty Storyline Hit: Who Kidnapped L.B.?

by That Paragon of Sanctity

The cliffhangers in the early seasons of Dynasty were very interesting and engaging - better than the later years when Alexis’s life was always put in peril. After a complicated pregnancy (including an almost abortion), Fallon finally brings her son, L.B., home. With Stephen running off, L.B. will become the new heir to the dynasty. But, it will not be easy for the new child as he is kidnapped from his crib and the frantic search for the child begins.

Would Claudia have worn gloves??

All fingers point to Dr. Nick Toscani who happens to have a connection with L.B.’s nurse, Susan. And, coincidentally, Susan happened to be in town to buy some salve for L.B. Susan is cleared (after drinking plenty of wine from the Carrington wine cellar) and eyes turn to Faruk Ahmed after a somewhat lucid Claudia recalls a car with some sort of flag with some Arabic writing. Blake confront Ahmed but that goes no where.

Now, it gets good as Claudia becomes the suspect. Claudia had been regressing after she learned that Lindsey was dead (and Cecil hid it from her) and has been acting weird (even weird for Claudia). Further, Claudia has ran off so as not to be put into the sanitarium. Wouldn’t you know it, Claudia is running around with a bundle wrapped in L.B.’s blanket. When the police flash her picture on the TV screen, the nosy woman running the hotel Claudia is staying at calls it, and everyone races to the hotel to get Claudia who runs onto the roof with “Lindsey.”

This results in one of the best scene’s in the show. Blake tries to reason with Claudia to return the baby to Fallon. Meanwhile, the police get in place to apprehend Claudia. Tipped off, Claudia makes a move, trips and the baby goes tumbling off the building. The family is horrified (Pamela Sue Martin was great here). But, horror turns to a sense of relief. Claudia didn’t have L.B., she had a doll that she thought was Lindsey. How awesome is that!

That’s a whole lot of blanket!

Now, there is the problem of who actually kidnapped L.B. Jeff, who should have figured this out earlier, remembers an Alfred Grimes, the caretaker at the cemetery where Phillip Colby is interred (supposedly), taking an interest in the child. Grimes also mentioned Dr. Nick Toscani (why would those two be connected). Blake instantly recognizes the name Grimes, Alfred is Roger’s father, the man Blake crippled (or did something to, Blake downplayed it) when he caught him with Alexis. Grimes is found with the child and L.B. is returned.

What makes the storyline great is the whole thing with Claudia. It also acts as a perfect lead in for another kidnapping, of Alexis and Blake’s first son, Adam (who was hinted at in Season 2). And with perfect timing, Adam returns to claim his stake in the Carrington family. These two things makes up for the obvious questions as to why Dr. Toscani wanted to kidnap L.B. and what his plan was? Since James Farentino did not come back for Season 3, those questions remained unanswered.

Dynasty Storyline Miss: Krystle/Rita

by That Paragon of Sanctity

Since I feel the need to post, I have been trying to come up with some ideas of what to talk about. With that in mind, I have decided to write about those Storylines that were great and those that were just horrible.

One of the most unpopular storylines, and rightly so, is the whole Krystle/Rita fiasco. Not only was the idea crazy, the storyline dragged on way longer than it should have. In fact, it was the length of the storyline that made it crazier. Had Sammy Jo just come up with the idea (it sounds like a scheme Sammy Jo would concoct, similar to making Claudia believe that Matthew was still alive) and it collapsed quickly - fine - no harm, no foul.

Why did Rita go to where Krystle was being held captive?

No, we actually have Rita taking the place of Krystle and no one seems to notice the change other than L.B. Blake has been married (twice) to this woman for more than 5 years and could not tell that Rita was not his wife. I mean, how much information did Sammy Jo actually know about Krystle or the mansion? Rita miraculously can run the mansion and remember everyone’s name (despite having Sammy Jo all of a sudden tied to her hip).

Then there is the intimacy part. Yes, Rita went out of her way to prevent having sex with Blake (including poisoning him), but how long should it take for Blake to realize, “Wait, this woman does not feel or act like my wife?” And then Rita decides to fool around with Joel in the mansion. Hello?

Meanwhile, Krystle is being held hostage in Delta Rho and constantly watched by Joel. And, the only reason Krystle was help captive at Delta Rho is that is where Krystle discovered Rita and decided to call Blake (for some reason). I wonder how they dragged Krystle into the attic since Joel is probably not that strong and dead weight Krystle (especially with the shoulder pads) has to be a lot. Okay, maybe that can happen and it is a good thing that Krystle had access to a bathroom. But then Joel takes her to some western bar where they happen to run into Alexis and Dex and Krystle says nothing because Joel threatened Krystina. Oh come on.

The stunt doubles had a tough job here.

Sammy Jo should have just tried her scheme and have it fail quickly. At least there was one good moment, the fight between Krystle and Rita - a fight where neither woman takes off her heels. Still, not worth the weeks of this stupid storyline.

Why Use Rape Without Consequences?

by That Paragon of Sanctity

A common plot in soap operas is the rape of a character, and usually by a character who faces no consequences for his actions. This was more common back in the 1980s (and before) than today because of how we view and treat rape/sexual assault today. Even though we would be horrified by such treatment of rape today on television, it was horrible back then.

There were three rapes on Dynasty/The Colbys and none of the perpetrators faced any consequences for his action. Further, the rape itself did not drive any sort of plotline. It seems that it happened just to have something happen.

In Episode 7 of Dynasty “Krystle’s Lie” - Blake becomes angry with Krystle because he wanted to have a baby and he learns that Krystle has been hiding the fact that she has been taking birth control. The angry Blake rapes Krystle as a result of her deception. (Note, how the episode is entitled Krystle’s Lie and not Blake’s Assault) The following day, Blake feels guilty for what he has done and apologizes to Krystle. It is referenced here and there (particularly after Adam rapes Kirby). Regardless, the question remains, why have Blake rape Krystle?

Blake tries to apologize to Krystle after raping her

In reality, the rape could have explored the larger issue of marital rape which at the time was not illegal in many states - including Colorado (if the husband and wife were not separated). Before the mid 1970s, a husband could not be criminally liable for sexually assaulting his spouse. (assuming they were together in some states, other states had no exceptions). Throughout the late 1970s and 1980s, the laws were changed to recognize marital rape as a crime but there were still loopholes in the statutes that were eventually cleaned up. However, that discussion did not happen. Basically, Blake raped Krystle (even if not a crime at the time), she eventually forgave him and that was it.

Similar to Blake, Miles raped Fallon while they were married. At that time, the act was likely a crime in California since Fallon resisted (a requirement for California).. Still, the only consequence Miles faced was physical violence from Jeff which became more intense when there was the prospect that Fallon could have become pregnant as a result of the rape. At least this time, all the characters involved referred to it what it was - rape. Still, Sable did not seem to care that Miles raped Fallon when she learned that it could have resulted in Fallon’s pregnancy. Miles being the father of Fallon’s baby was more important the act of conception.

Finally, we have Adam and Kirby. Adam’s rape of Kirby was the most violent (not that violence matters) and everyone in the family seemed to not care - other than Jeff who of course got into a fight with Adam. Kirby never went the police and no one forced her to do so (there are probably class issues involved here). In fact, when Kirby discovered that the rape resulted in her pregnancy, Adam wanted to do the the right thing by marrying Kirby - which is what Adam wanted all along. Basically, by raping Kirby, Adam almost got what he had wanted.

In the end, these rapes seemed gratuitous and are actually harmful. Yes, it was a different time, but to allow three main characters rape three other main characters and have nothing happen (other than the occasional chastisement or feelings of guilt) really does a disservice to any discussion of sexual assault. Obviously, you cannot ship Blake, Miles or Adam off to jail. Then, don’t have them be rapists.