the Colbys Episode 4 - "Family Album"
Plenty of Dynasty crossover characters in this episode - with Blake, Dominique and LB making an appearance. Even though the two are brother and sister, there is no scene with Dominique and Blake together. Not strange at all. Heck, did they even travel together - to save expenses for Denver Carrington. Dominique is in Los Angeles to confront Jason Colby who she believes is buying stock in her record company. Instead, Dominique meets Monica, who promises to find out whether Jason is buying stock in Titania Records. Dominique is not sure whether she can trust Monica to tell her the truth, but is pleasantly surprised when Monica does provide the promised feedback. Granted, it is not the best of news for Dominique when she learns that Garrett is buying up the stock.
Too bad there is no burned champagn
Monica and Dominque are getting close
Apparently, Garrett believes the best way to get the woman he wants to acknowledge him is to buy stock in her company. I really need to try that technique one day. All I need is a wealthy object of my desire, and tons of capital to buy up stock. It can't be that hard, right? Best part is that it kind of works. Anyway, Dominique is so impressed with Monica that she asks her to be the Director of Titania Records. Since Monica gets little respect from her father because she has a vagina. Monica is game, and accepts Dominique's offer.
Watching Connie fly away
Meanwhile, Blake and LB come out to Los Angeles to help Jeff get back with Fallon. Fortunately, Blake was going to Los Angeles anyway for a business meeting with Jason (how convenient). Let's go over the business first. Zach still wants in on the oil deal and tells Jason that Jason is unable to ship all of the oil that Blake is pumping. Zach will kindly ship the overage. Jason will have nothing to do with it. But, Jason's hand is forced when Blake demands that Jason use Zach to ship any oil that Jason is unable to do. Blake will not keep oil in storage. Either Jason ships it or Zach will.
Just tell Hutch the truth, Connie
God, she is like an old lady with her purse
More importantly, Blake and LB go to Los Angeles to help Fallon with her memory. Oh yeah, this will not cause any problems. Fallon has only been gone for a year, so LB is going to be pretty confused. But, when LB meets Fallon, he does not seem that phased. He just notes how Randall looks like his dead mother and he goes along his way. The meeting does nothing to help with Fallon.
Another busy day as mistress of the house
Since there was not already enough mind screwing with LB, Francesca decides to do a little screwing of her own, when she introduces herself to LB as her other grandmother. Who the hell does that? Oh, I am your second grandmother (nowhere as awesome as grandmother Alexis) and the kid buys it. Gee, whatever happened with having Jeff introduce his mother to his son, and have him learn that way. Maybe, we should feel some sympathy for Francesca because she tries to get herself involved with Jeff and LB's life, but Jeff rejects her again.
I'm sure LB wishes he didn't have a second grandmother
Oh, Frankie is so used to rejection, and so used to having Jason support her when she is rejected. Jason goes to Frankie and takes her to lunch. Apparently, the CEO of a major corporation has nothing better to do in the afternoon than to take his wife's sister to a long lunch. Further, Jason manages to take Frankie to lunch at the same restaurant where Dominique and Monica are to meet Sable. Somehow, Dominique and Monica do not see Jason and Frankie, but Sable sure as hell does. Sable will not let Frankie cause any more tension in the family so she kind of smoothly shows her displeasure.
Don't you have a company to run Jason
Definitely cannot deny the chemistry
Sable does not want to push the issue too much with Jason and Frankie, even though she senses something there. Besides, the more important matter involves Miles/Jeff/Fallon. Thanks to Connie, the family has been split into two camps Sable/Miles and Frankie/Jeff. Sable wants Connie to fix the damage she has caused. Connie, however, has better things to do, like hang out with Hutch. Hutch is falling for Frankie and even buys an RV so the two can drive off together into the sunset. Connie can't do it because she has family obligations. Gee, just tell Hutch the truth - this is kind of ridiculous. Still, Connie got a silver bracelet out the deal.
Just give in, Dominique
A silver bracelet that Connie manages to lose as soon as she gets home. That would be no big deal except now it adds some ammunition for Sable to fix Connie's mistake. After speaking with her lawyer, Sable learns that the only way to undue Connie's gift to Jeff is to prove that Connie is not mentally sound. The loss of the bracelet, and the subsequent finding of it (and given to Sable) just might be the ticket Sable needs to prove that Connie is senile. At this point, I am sure Barbara Stanwyck wishes she was senile so she could forget that she did this show.
Always love redoing flashback scenes
Before getting to the ending, let's run down a few things. Bliss still can't get Sean to accept Jason and vice versa. Zach Powers is totally enthralled with the ravishing Sable, even getting Sable to dance with him after he shows Sable how close Jason and Frankie are dancing. That's that.
Totally not uncomfortable for Jeff
Still fighting
Now that LB and Randall are friends, LB decides to show Randall the family album that Jeff has under his bed. LB wants Randall to see how she looks like his mother. She is a dead ringer because it is her. Randall quickly figures out that she is Fallon but still cannot remember that. Jeff tries to explain things but she runs into the arms of Miles, who also knew Randall was Fallon. Fallon pulls away from him and does what Fallon does best - drive away in the nearest car. Every time Fallon runs off, it doesn't work out (1. when she learns Cecil could be her father, 2. when she learns Peter de Vilbis scammed her, 3. her re-wedding date to Jeff). Miles threatens Jeff that if something happens to Fallon, Jeff will pay for it.
Not a tad psycho
Hmmm. . . a deadringer
Memorable Dialogue
Sable: Connie is betraying the man I love, the children that I love and I will not roll over and play dead.
Sable [to Connie]: This is maddening. I'm trying to talk to you about the future of my son and all you're interested in is a piece of junk jewelry.
Connie: I must be getting senile.
Sable [to Frankie and Jason]: If you two go on meeting like this, I'm going to get jealous.
Frankie: I wouldn't blame you, Sable.
Jason: You got me this time, Zach. I'll grant you that, but, um, just remember, you cross me, you walk in harms way.
Zach: You are more beautiful than ever.
Sable: You can cut the act. In the museum, I found it flattering. Now, I know it has more to do with Jason's business than Sable's allure.
Zach: Not true. I always mix business with pleasure. I have an insatiable appetite for both, Sable Colby.
Previous Episode - Moment of Truth
Next Episode - Shadow of the Past