the colbys episode 49 - “Crossroads”
Jeff rescues Frankie, who was wearing a bathing suit under her bathrobe. Frankie tells Jeff that she swam out too far with the intention of drowning. Jeff brings Frankie back to the motel room, which has fireplace - pretty nice motel room. He has Fallon come out to be with Frankie while he goes to confront Jason. Jeff cannot believe how Jason is treating his mother. But, Jeff does not know the whole story. Jeff leaves and Jason calls the Casa Malibu Motel. Fallon tells Jason that it is best not to come see Frankie this evening but Jason insists he will. That is Frankie’s queue to leave.
That is a really nice Motel.
Jeff returns to the Motel and Fallon tells him that Frankie has left. Where did she go? Fallon does not know and she could not tie her to the bed post to make sure she stayed. Jason arrives and Jeff once again blames Jason for Frankie’s predicament.
Frankie is finally coming to her sense.
The following morning, Frankie contacts Jason and tells him that she is at The Five Oaks Inn. Why do these people keep running off to places that have some significance in their lives? Just go to some random place. It is a lot easier and you won’t be found. At The Five Oaks Inn, Frankie tells Jason that she loves Phillip and returns the engagement ring. Looks like Frankie is going to play the martyr - again!
Why torture Monica like this?
Meanwhile, Monica tries to tender her resignation to Jason but Jason tells her that it is not necessary. Cash has already resigned and is going to return to Washington D.C. with Adrienne and Scott (Cash changed his tune, Adrienne’s threats my have worked). Jason really has no advice for Monica. It seems that Jason is resigned to accepting that Monica has lost Scott forever. This is very difficult for Monica and her pain becomes worse when Scott visits her at the Colby Mansion. Scott tells Monica that he loves her and Sable looks on as she sees the pain her daughter is in.
Sable has to do something about this
Sable goes into protective mama bear mode and contacts Arthur Gates. There is another option for Monica. Sable tells Monica that they do not need to trash Adrienne’s reputation to win Scott, they can claim that the adoption was fraudulent. When Monica gave her baby up for adoption she did so under the belief that the child would go to a random family, not to the child’s father. It’s not a bad idea but Monica does not want to go along with it. Even though she tells Sable she will do anything to have her son, she is actually unwilling to do anything to get him. Just like her Aunt Frankie, Monica is determined to be a martyr.
Jason is of little help to Monica
A desperate Sable has only one more option. She goes to Scott’s school and convinces Scott to join her at the beach. I guess this counts as a kidnapping but it is not like Sable is going to keep Scott indefinitely. People are going to figure it out, especially since Zach sees her take Scott away. Maybe Sable just wanted to spend some time with Scott before he leaves for Washington D.C.
Channing will never forget the death of her mother. What about her baby brother??
Channing gives Miles the good news that she is pregnant. Naturally, Miles is ecstatic and promises to support Channing any way she needs. Yes, Channing is afraid, and yes Channing does not consider seeing a therapist regarding her fears, but Channing is determined to give Miles a child. Channing has the same nightmare of her mother dying during child birth. Channing cannot do it. She calls Miles from L.A.X. to tell him that she is leaving and going to have an abortion. Miles is determined to find his wife.
Be stronger, Channing
As a sign of good faith, Zach tells Sable that it was Phillip who tried to shoot Jason and Frankie in Eureka. Zach did not have to tell Sable and could have just let Jason remain ignorant that Phillip shot at him but Zach decided not to. Score some points for Zach with Sable. Sable tells Jason and Jason appreciates the information - score some points for Sable with Jason.
Jason barges into Phillip’s hotel room and finds the gun. Phillip tells Jason that he does not miss. If he wanted to kill Jason, he would have. Jason has no time for the games and tells Phillip that he better leave the country before he contacts the Feds (that sniper incident is not a federal crime). Phillip swears Jason only wants him out of the country because he wants Frankie all to himself. Not true, Jason tells Phillip that Frankie loves him and that she is The Five Oaks Inn. Why would you do that, Jason? Also, Jason why are you walking out with the rifle in hand, won’t others at the hotel freak out?
Just do it Jason
Phillip finds Frankie at The Five Oaks Inn and tries to get her to go to Mexico with him. Why would Frankie do that, she doesn’t love Phillip, but Jason? He tries to force her into her car and she hits her head which instantly knocks her out (does that happen?). Frankie, fortunately, regains consciousness at a gas station. While Phillip is buying some cigarettes, Frankie, instead of getting out of the car or calling 911, calls Fallon (trying to get a hold of Jeff) and tells her what is going on. They are on Route 61 and heading towards Mexico.
Frankie is down for the count
Fallon calls Jeff, who happens to be with Jason. There is no way that they can catch them by car. They need the helicopter. Wait, is this really a good idea? Jason already gave the heads up to border control. Are they really going to catch them? Also, Fallon, for some reason, decides she is going to drive out and try to catch them. What exactly would Fallon do? Also, isn’t Fallon worried about the strange lights that people are seeing in Southern California?
It really has been a rough 48 hours for Frankie
Frankie does not seem to be putting up any resistance as Phillip’s is racing her through the mountains to the Mexico border. Jason and Jeff, in the helicopter, find them (and there is no other traffic) and Jason tries to land the helicopter in front of them. Frankie, meanwhile, believes this is the perfect time to grab the steering wheel to try and get Phillip to stop the car. The car goes off the road and flips. Jason rushes to a dying Frankie who tells Jason that she loves him and always has. She also tells Jason to take care of and be with Sable and that Jason loves Sable more than he knows. Jeff joins them and tells them that Phillip is gone (really?) and then tells Jason he will blame him if anything happens to his mother.
What could it be, Fallon
Fallon, again for some reason, is in the desert. (Granted, I don’t know the geography of Southern California that well or Route 61, so maybe this makes sense). Fallon’s car stalls in the middle of nowhere. She tries to call for help but the call is full of static. Those bright lights again attract Fallon who gets out of her car. And we all know what Fallon sees - a UFO. The door opens and there is this pudgy human-like alien who invites Fallon on board. Fallon really has nothing better to do and gets into the spaceship which takes off.
It’s not an abduction, Fallon went willingly
And with that - The Colbys ends. Shame!
Memorable Dialogue
Sable: I don’t know what to say.
Zach: Don’t say anything, just know if you ever change your mind or if you ever need me, I’ll be there.
Jason: Too bad you missed, Phil. You could have had it all. Everything you came back for.
Phillip: Missed? I never miss, pal. I’m as good as shot as you any day.
Frankie: I want you to promise me something.
Jason: Yes, darling.
Frankie: I want you to promise me you’ll take care of Sable. She loves you.
Jason: Don’t say that.
Frankie: And you love her, more than you realized. Go back to her. Be a family again.
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