dynasty Episode 145 - The Triple Cross
Blake is excited as he is getting Colby Co. stock holders to sell to him. Why wouldn't they? He is purchasing $40 stock for $60. Here is what I don't get, and the same goes for Denver Carrington - where are these stock holders? Doesn't Alexis own 100% of Colby Co. and now we are to believe she is the largest share holder but not a majority holder. Does it matter - there is no point keeping track of ownership because it is always changing.
When are you going to stop trusting men, Alexis
Adam does not think Blake is wise to be purchasing stock at such a premium. What is he going to do with the debt? Blake does not care how much it costs because in the end he will be rid of Alexis and that is worth it. Um, you really can never be rid of Alexis - have you not figured that out Blake.
You should have stayed home, Blake
Krystle is also concerned because she knows Alexis is up to something. Krystle is just not sure what it is. Krystle is a wise one. Alexis was able to get the falsified production figures to the Chinese. Alexis just has one problem - Ben. Ben seems to be hanging around and wants more of a partnership with Alexis who he claims he loves. Alexis does not believe that and feels Ben wants something more. He does, but Alexis believes the $125 million should have sufficed.
A rose is nice
Oh wait, I was talking about Krystle. It is so easy to lose track of her. Just as Krystle shows concern about Alexis scheming, Blake receives a telegram from Minister Han who wants Blake to come to Hong Kong immediately to explain the discrepancies in the production figures. Is Denver Carrington actually pumping more oil than Blake is claiming, and, thus, screwing the Chinese out of royalties? Blake will clear matters up.
But pearls are better
For some reason, Blake feels the need to rush over to the Penthouse and ask Alexis if she had anything to do with this cable from Minister Han. Alexis, of course, lies. But, now that Blake has tipped Alexis off, Alexis decides she needs to leave for Hong Kong earlier to get to Minister Han first. Stupid Blake. Before she leaves, Alexis gets a warning from Dex. Dex finally remembers how he knows Ben, from a meeting in China. Ben has a relationship with the Chinese. Alexis is dubious of Dex's warning. Hmmm. . . didn't Alexis previously doubt Dex about another man. Oh yeah, the King of Moldavia. Heck it was only earlier this season, even though it feels like a lifetime away.
Let's just all accept that Adam is guilty
Before we get to the action in Hong Kong, let's go over the rest of the fun. Steven tells Blake that he is trying to get to the bottom of some discrepancies with Denver Carrington finances, but he is being stonewalled by Adam. Blake writes a memo giving Steven access to all files. That does not stop Adam from preventing Steven from going through some purchase orders. Finally, Adam decides that he needs to shred the incriminating evidence. Adam should have done that months ago.
Ahh, nothing better that the capitalist reaping profits
Speaking of Adam's devious nature, Claudia loves being the owner of a well. Here is where I am lost. Is Claudia actually running the rig herself or is Denver Carrington doing so and she is just reaping profits? Does Claudia even have a clue how to run a rig? I guess now that Claudia is some fat cat capitalist - all she needs to do is sit back and make money. Must be nice. Yeah America!
Good to see Sammy Jo multi tasking
Claudia thinks so, because she decides to go to a furrier and buy a ton of items - three jackets, three coats, a muff, and some other things. Now that Claudia is rich, she can be a bitch also as she gets into it with the salesperson. But, as the gracious nouveau riche that Claudia now is, she diffuses the situation by claiming both got heated (the salesperson did not). The best part is that as Claudia is trying on the furs, you can see the baby bump. Anyway, Claudia tells the sales person to bill Adam Carrington.
Now you want Clay, Amanda
Adam is not thrilled about Claudia's shopping spree and he confronts her at her suite at La Mirage. Claudia tells him that this is the least that Adam can do after all she has endured from him and the Carrington clan. Adam has some great news for Claudia - her well is already drying up. It is tough being a business woman Claudia. Claudia wants to speak to Blake right away, but she will wait for him to return from Hong Kong.
Amanda may be a little too late
Dominique is planning her engagement party and could not be more excited. Even better, Jackie finally comes around and is no longer hating her mother. Jackie understands that Dominique had no other choice but to lie because Garrett was married at the time. That does not matter - now the three can be a happy family. Oh Jackie, you have not been on the show long enough to know there are no truly happy families.
Amanda is looking better after her suicide attempt. At least Clay notices it. Amanda is appreciative of Clay's concern but is less appreciative that Sammy Jo told Clay about Amanda's suicide attempt. Amanda goes to confront Sammy Jo, who is enjoying a caramel apple. Sammy Jo apologizes and admits she was out of line, but Amanda will not let it go. Finally, Sammy Jo calls Amanda out that she is only upset because she told Clay, a man with whom Amanda is interested.
Fancy meeting you in Hong Kong
Well, Sammy Jo will make sure that Clay is hers. She invites him to dinner at Delta Rho which is complete with a fur rug and fireplace. Sammy Jo gets Clay to enjoy a brandy on the rug. The brandy turns into the oldest trick in the book, as Sammy Jo clinks her glass too hard and shatters Clays brandy onto his shirt (good for Heather Locklear for using such obvious force). Well, the shirt has to come off and Clay obliges. The two begin to make love even though they did not pick the class out of the rug. Kinky!
Let's return to the business fun in Hong Kong. Alexis meets with Minister Han first and shows him the altered figures. Further, just to make sure Minister Han knows what a cheat Blake is, Alexis also gives him the transcript from the recent trial which shows how Blake cheated Ben out of his inheritance and was responsible for his mother's death. Honor is very important for the Chinese and yet they manage to do business with these people.
The story is just as good out of the light
Minister Han is a fair man and does give Blake a chance to explain himself. Blake shows Minister Han the accurate figures and tries to plead with the Minister how Alexis and Ben perjured themselves at that trial. Blake also gives a stirring soliloquy on his honor. At the same time, Krystle scours Hong Kong to find Alexis just to tell her that she will not get away with things. Really Krystle, you have nothing better to do. At least we get to see Alexis accidentally ruin a beautiful pearl necklace.
Ben is excited to learn he was awarded the leases
Wouldn't you know it - but Ben happens to have a pre-existing relationship with Minister Han. What a coincidence? You think some of this would have come up at the time Blake and Alexis were negotiating the leases in the first place. Ben tells Minister Han about what a horrible person Blake is and how he is no longer going to be blamed for what Blake did. But, that is not all. Ben presents Minister Han with a translated chapter from Sister Dearest to show the Minister what a dishonorable person Alexis also is. Clearly, Minister Han understands English, so why translate it? Also, must the Minister go right to the desk lamp to read it when the room is clearly well lit. Regardless, way to go Ben for demonstrating why this episode was titled as such.
Alexis does not take the news as well
Blake is not going to wait in Hong Kong for Minister Han's response. Blake is confident that the Minister will find in his favor and will hear the good news in Denver. Alexis, on the other hand, intends to stay and is worried because the Minister no longer wants to meet with her. Ben has some news for Alexis - a press release from the Chinese to be made public in 48 hours. Too bad it is in Chinese, but Ben is happy to translate. The Chinese have end their relationship with both Blake and Alexis and have given 100% of the leases to Ben. What a surprise. Alexis is pissed, but Ben offers her 25% if she agrees to be partners (in and out of the board room). Alexis will have none of that and vows revenge on both Carrington brothers. You reap what you sow, Alexis.
Memorable Dialogue
Alexis [to Ben]: I may be into a lot of things, but charity to you is definitely not one of them.
Alexis [to Krystle]: You know, I'm really not sure about these pearls, they're so dowdy. They might look good on you. Then again, where would you wear them after Blake goes broke - a cafeteria.
Krystle [to Alexis]: What a perfect picture - pearls before swine.
Alexis: I'm going to get you both - you and your brother - I will take you both down. Believe me, I will. I will.