dynasty Episode 166 - The Surgery
Well, the snooze fest continues. It appears that the surgery will go off without a hitch until the writers decide to waste 12 minutes of our time by having Sarah change her mind. She can't allow her daughter to give her heart to Krystina. Krystle tries to talk to her but understands Sarah's decision and tells Blake she would probably do the same. A new donor must be found. That is until Dex talks some sense into Sarah. Sarah agrees to sacrifice her daughter for Krystina.
Sarah is still crying
And Krystina is still lying
Then, we have the pleasure of watching the pointless surgery which includes shots of Krystina trying to lie very still and a clock. Oddly, they did not seem to wait for little Cathy to actually die first before ripping out her heart. I did not think it would work that way. Aren't the doctors the ones actually killing little Cathy? At the same time, are we all just going to wait around for Cathy to die. Maybe she died soon after the life support is pulled (not sure it works that way). Why am I discussing these medical ethics? Oh yeah, because I am bored.
This is pretty much all Krystle and Blake do now
Fortunately, the surgery is a success. The family is happy as little Krystina recuperates and prepares herself to go home. It is a bittersweet moment for Sarah but at least she has the feeling of knowing that a part of her daughter is still alive in Krystina. Before returning to Wyoming, Sarah asks to see Krystina. Krystle immediately agrees to it. It may not be such a good idea as Sarah begins to cry and kisses her hand and touches Krystina's heart with it. It is all so touching, and all so un-Dynasty like.
Happy family
The good feelings continue as Sammy Jo, Steven and Danny act as your typical American family. Even Clay's last ditch effort to make a play for Sammy Jo does not work as Clay realizes he cannot compete with Danny's father, even if he is gay. Both Sammy Jo and Steven love the idea of being a family even if there can never be any physical contact. I can't believe Sammy Jo is accepting this. Also, I can't believe that the writers think we are stupid. While the three are camping, Steven comments that he missed being a family and Sammy Jo agreed. When were the three ever a family? Wasn't it Claudia who raised Danny after Sammy Jo pawned her off on Blake and Krystle? Damn, details.
Why is this right?!?
Maybe Clay will rebound quite nicely. While driving downhill, Clay gets into a standoff with Leslie who is driving uphill. The two debate over who has the right of way. Of course, it would just be easier for one to yield, but why allow that when we can create the sparks that will bud into a romance. And, to make sure we force these two together, Dex hires Leslie to be Clay's apprentice on the pipeline project. [Note to the producers, why are you using stock footage of Blaisdel 1 from the first season as work on a pipeline?] Oh, the fun begins between Clay and Leslie as they continue to "fight" over who had the right of way. Did Leslie really call the Department of Transportation to ask? Does it matter?
Just do it already
The only part of the show that is actually Dynasty-like is Neal McVane blackmailing Adam Carrington, or should we call him Michael Torrence. Either way, Adam likes working in very poor lighting at night. It probably adds to the intrigue as Neal drops by with proof that Adam is not really Adam. He sends Adam a little sock with Adam embroidered on it. Then he shows Adam the other sock and a picture of Adam with a cut and a blanket.
Alexis wonders how many animals died for her outfit
You see, what had happened, was that the kidnappers planned to extort the Carringtons, but Adam died before they were able to do so. Thus, the kidnappers hid their crime but kept the evidence of it on them to give to Neal 25-odd years later. (Where is the body?) Doesn't that make sense? Yeah, I didn't think so. The thought that Adam may actually be Michael is causing a great deal of stress.
You can't blackmail without a pay phone
Adam tries to pry information from Alexis about the day of the kidnapping and hopes that it is fuzzy for her. It is not. Alexis specifically recalls the socks, the cut, and the blanket. Funny, what about that rattle? And, how did that rattle make its way to Montana. Maybe they will explain that later. Then Adam goes back to Montana to see Dr. Jonas Edwards, the only doctor in town. Adam asks Jonas whether he really believes him to be Adam or Michael. Jonas signals that he believes Adam to be Michael. Isn't that a nice mind fuck. Adam is pissed and is determined to convince himself that he is Adam. I would too.
Why would you keep this
Nice of them to share pajamas
So, what does Neal want from Adam? He wants inside information about Colby Co. acquisitions. Adam realizes that could send him to prison, but prison is better than being kicked out of the Carrington family. Adam does provide the information to Neal and demands the proof that Adam Carrington died as a baby. All in good time, Adam (Michael), all in good time. [Note, I realize it is confusing constantly using Adam and Michael interchangeably. But, I am confused by all of this.]
Dr. Edwards can't believe we are doing this Adam/Michael garbage again
Memorable Dialogue
Jonas: I'm sorry, Michael.
Adam: Don't call me that. Don't you ever call me that. You're a crazy old man and a liar. I'm Adam Carrington. Do you hear me - Adam Carrington!
Steven: Truth is, I like us as a family. I missed it.
Sammy Jo: Me too and now that we have it back, I'd like it to stay that way.