dynasty EPISODE 169 - tHE dRESS
It is kind of sad that all I am waiting for is this season to end. It really is boring and the writers, producers, etc. keep dragging things out just to get us to the season finale. Maybe that is the intention. Anyway, let's begin. The nurse does her 1 am check to notice that Krystina is not in bed. She wakes Blake and Krystle to see if Krystina is with them, but she is not. Can we all guess who is with Krystina. Of course, our current psycho house guest - Sarah. Sarah has Krystina in her arms and is rocking her to sleep, just as she did with her daughter. Blake and Krystle are glad that Krystina is safe even though Blake believes it is time for Sarah to go.
You are telling us to keep quiet - seriously?!?
You know what Sarah also did for her daughter - make a pretty blue dress (hence the title of this episode). Well, Sarah decides to make the very same dress for Krystina. We all see where this leading. Krystina almost tells Blake that Sarah made the same dress for her own daughter, but Sarah is able to stop Krystina from spilling the beans.
Amazing how frequently Alexis runs into the man who once tried to kill her - well there are quite a few in Denver.
Blake almost had his wish to be rid of Sarah. Blake decides that he needs to speak to Krystle about Sarah and Sarah's need to heal outside of the mansion - this after Blake learns Sarah and Krystina hosted a tea party for the staff (and they still made Jeannette clean up). Sarah overhears Blake talking and decides to leave. Krsytina does not want Sarah to go and goes running to Krystle who assures Sarah that everyone wants her there (except the viewers) and that she can stay as long as she likes. Great move, Krystle.
Awesome side note with respect to the Sarah story line - she and Dex have lunch at the Carlton where they order a chili burger. Who knew there was such haute cuisine at the Carlton?
So dramatic
Adam continues his downward spiral, but at least his engagement to Dana is off. Alexis seems rather pleased by the development, while Blake is concerned. Dana knows something is bothering Adam and that none of this makes sense. Exactly, Dana. None of this does make sense. Neal continues to harass Adam and even has him followed. Heck, the guy follows Adam to a dive bar where Adam calls him out before returning to some prostitute who likes to drink champagne. Seriously, how high end could the champagne be in such an establishment?
Adam really has hit rock bottom
Leslie finally has the pleasure of meeting a drunk Buck Fallmont. Buck is glad that his son has dumped Sammy Jo but becomes enraged when he learns that Leslie is also a Carrington. Even worse, she is Ben Carrington's daughter. Leslie wants answers from her father why Buck hates him so much. Ben pays Buck a visit and tries to reason with him to let the young love birds be together. Buck will have none of that and he is determined to break them up. Gee, maybe this may be the right time to tell Ben that he thinks Ben is Clay's father - or at least he suspects it. I mean, if you really want to break the two of them up, I think suggesting that the relationship may be incestuous could help your cause.
The rhinestones really make the shirt feminine.
I have now written six paragraphs and barely mentioned Alexis. That is because she continues to hardly appear on the show. Other than the scene with Adam, Alexis also has a confrontation with Neal where Neal has the cajones to offer Alexis into a deal he is preparing. At least Alexis's fur looks marvelous.
That's okay, Steven, no need for a shirt.
The only story line left involves the farce occurring at Delta Rho. Even though Steven is well aware that Sammy Jo is in love with him, Steven insists on not wearing a shirt - not that I am complaining. Steven also insists on insulting us, along with Sammy Jo, by making us believe that they were once a happy couple and that Sammy Jo wants to relive that magic. The two really should rent Seasons 2-6, and remind us what a great relationship they had.
So pretty and yet force to beg a gay man for sex.
At least the writers have taught us the secret to gay conversion therapy - a fireplace. Steven, in an open robe, sees Sammy Jo sadly staring into the fire. Sammy Jo tells Steven of her feelings for him and Steven gives in to some sort of feelings because, before you know it, the two are making love. The following day, Steven wants to tell Sammy Jo that is was a mistake, but Sammy Jo is so desperate to be a family, that she prevents him from saying what he believes and begs for him to come to bed with her. Steven, the fool, complies. This seems like a good idea!
Memorable Dialogue
Alexis: What are you doing here?
Neal: I have an important meeting.
Alexis: With your parole officer?
Neal: You haven't lost your touch.