dynasty Episode 173 - The Affair
Well, I was wrong. We do have to deal with Sarah for one more episode. Sarah still believes her daughter is alive. Funny, Sarah has not once asked about her husband. And now Sarah remembers Krystle and treats her as a friend. When Sarah refuses to acknowledge the death of Cathy, she asks Krystle to tell the doctor that her daughter is alive. Krystle cannot do that. Well, Sarah wants proof that Cathy is dead. Armed with that opening, Krystle and the doctor take Sarah to Wyoming to show Sarah Cathy's grave which, for some reason, is not next to Sarah's husband's grave. Sarah finally has come to terms with the death of her daughter and we have come to terms with this weak story line.
Why is their a two way mirror?
Who cares that your husband died also.
Plenty of weak story lines going around so let's add some needless tension which we know that Alexis will provide. Alexis has insulted Mrs. Gunnerson by not including her in the wedding preparation. Hell, just invite her. I would rather be invited to the wedding than cook for it. But, Mrs. Gunnerson loves to cook. She also seems to love wiping down the table which probably is not in her job description. Krystle reminds Alexis not to insult the staff if she is going to have free reign over the house in order to plan for Adam and Dana's wedding.
Hilda needs to control her emotions
Fine, Alexis will just insult Sammy Jo - that is always a good target. Of course Alexis blames Sammy Jo for what is happening with Steven and Danny. Yawn! Danny does seem upset that Steven has left and does not want to spend time with his father if he is there only for a visit. Sammy Jo does not want to spend time with Steven also. It is so tough being Steven. Not really! Maybe Steven should find that teacher from earlier in the season and get drunk with her again. That ended well. Oh wait. . .
Sammy Jo has seen that look one too many times.
Now, who it really is tough for is Clay and Leslie. Well, Buck finally tells someone that Clay may actually be Ben Carrington's son. Why keep the secret for so long? Buck tells Blake and Blake wants the kids to stop seeing each other until this is sorted out. Blake tries to get Ben to talk to Leslie but when Ben refuses to acknowledge that he could be Clay's father, Blake tells Clay himself. Clay confronts Buck which ends in the obligatory punch in the jaw. Clay tells Leslie who then confronts her father.
Don't worry, the happiness will not last
Ben admits that he had slept with Emily but did not want to say anything so as not to hurt his daughter. Well, that plan worked perfectly. Leslie repeatedly tells Ben that she hates him and wishes Blake were her father. With Amanda still thinking, Leslie may have her wish. You got to feel a special kind of disgust to learn that you have actually fallen in love with and made love to a person who may be your brother. Look at how screwed up Fallon became when she was just courted by Adam before learning he was her brother. As I have mentioned before, the incest story line is repeating itself, but with sex thrown into the mix. Ewww.
Blake wants answers
Clay took his role in incest pretty well
That douche bag Gavin makes another play for Alexis at the Carlton. Alexis is game and the two go out on a date. What is this? Alexis is picked up on a motorcycle as Gavin takes her to an arcade and a malt stand. Alexis sure is slumming it. Even better is that this whole date montage is set to "Danger Zone" but not the version sung by Kenny Loggins, but by someone else. So, the show will not spend the money for the Kenny Loggins's version but will waste tons of money on this stupid plot. Oh well. After the date, Alexis invites Gavin for a night cap but Gavin will wait for the second date to bed Alexis. Now, that is class.
Leslie handled it better than I thought!
Finally, we have Jackie's failed attempt to get Garrett and Dominique back together. Maybe Jackie should remember why Dominique called off the engagement last season. Anyway, Jackie asks Nick to stop seeing Dominique but there is no way that Nick is going to do that. Fine, Jackie talks to her mother for one last plea but Dominique tells her daughter that she will not reconcile with Garrett. If the two will not reconcile, then Jackie wants to go back to New York to be with her father - right away. Dominique complies. But that means Jackie will miss the wedding. Smart move on Jackie's part considering the last big Carrington wedding ended in disaster and there was some mysterious guy checking out the phones in the Carrington mansion before this one. What could this guy be doing? It can't be that important that Alexis needs to be awaken (in some strange bed) before 9am. I guess we will find out since the next episode is the cliffhanger.
Be glad you are missing this wedding Jackie
Memorable Dialogue
Buck (to Clay): That tramp's still your sister.
Alexis (to Sammy Jo): Well, at least one of my sons is involved with the right woman.
Leslie (to Ben): For the first time in my life, I felt happy and loved. And, now, because of you, I feel guilty.
Alexis (to Krystle): Why don't you take something for your nerves, dear, and please don't call me before 9 o'clock again.
Previous Episode - The Confession
Next Episode - Shadowplay