dynasty Episode 43 - La Mirage
Party episode time to celebrate the official opening of La Mirage, Fallon's pleasure palace. And the theme for the party is the Roaring 1920s. Before we get to the festivities, let's go over what else happened.
Kirby is still lurking around the mansion and waiting for her opportunity to become L.B.'s nurse. As luck would have it, Kirby catches up with Fallon just as she is about to bathe L.B. Kirby offers to help and tells Fallon how she took care of another rich couple's baby on a yacht the previous summer. Fallon asks Kirby if she would like to be L.B.'s nurse even though she over qualified for the position. Maybe Kirby majored in wet nursing at the Sorbonne. Kirby pretends to reluctantly accept.
So judgmental of Fallon
Krystle is being rather passive aggressive, which is kind of annoying. She and Blake return from some dinner party and Krystle has been quiet all evening. In bed, Blake asks her what is wrong. Krystle is upset that Blake had met Mark and did not say anything to Krystle. Blake finds it odd that he would mention meeting the tennis pro at La Mirage. That tennis pro is Krystle's ex-husband. Blake did not know and he eased Krystle's concern that Fallon and Blake had hired him on purpose. Blake tells Krystle he had no idea who he was and never arranged her meeting Mark at La Mirage. Krystle just loves Blake so much, but not enough not to be whiny and just ask him without spending an entire evening pouting.
Blake asks Fallon if she knew who Mark was when she hired him, and Fallon says she did not. Also, she claims that she did not set up Krystle's meeting with Mark. (Both true.) Regardless, Mark is still carrying a torch for Krystle and Alexis is going to edge him to pursue her. Mark still is coy with Alexis but does approach Krystle on his own. Krystle refuses to listen to him - it was a right he gave up when he walked out on her.
Krytle aint' got time for that
Steven is finally heard from - he sends a letter to Fallon from Hong Kong. It could be a lead or it might not be, since the letter was given to a friend, Ben Reynolds (a loner), to be mailed. Blake still uses his contacts in Hong Kong to search for Steven even though the tone of the letter suggests Steven still has not forgiven his father. Krystle tells Blake to give Steven more time.
You knew this was going to happen
The painter cannot believe that Adam would paint over such expensive wood paneling - neither do I. Adam tells the painter to shut up and do his job and if the fumes are bothering him, then do the job faster. Alexis asks Adam what he is doing, and Adam tells his mother it is a goodwill gesture to Jeff. Alexis is glad Adam has taken her advice with respect to Jeff. (Yeah, not really).
Alexis really did win in the end
Party time! After a cute little scene at the costumer where Alexis and Krystle picked out the same dress (Krystle won the coin toss and got to keep the dress, though Alexis picked a more stunning outfit in the end), the party begins. Everyone is impressed with Fallon's work at La Mirage, even Jeff. Adam is too, but Fallon does not trust Adam and warns Jeff of him.
On the prowl!
Apparently, Kirby's duties as L.B.'s nurse has not begun yet because she makes it to the party. There is some French count who recognizes Kirby as some jet-setter throughout France. Kirby plays incredulous but the Count is certain. Hmmm. . .what had you been doing Kirby? Adam sees Kirby and instantly becomes a predator. He is all over her. Fortunately, Jeff rescues her - twice. The second time was creepy as Adam caresses Kirby's arm and comments how silky smooth it is. Personal space, Adam!
Fallon violates the limit she gave herself for alcohol and ends up in the pool after a charleston on the diving board with Mark. The two fall in the pool and Fallon kisses him. They seem to be getting chummy. Fallon at least is having a good time.
Fallon's going in!
Alexis brings Congressman McVane as her date - the same Congressman Blake has had Jeff tracking down. McVane tells Alexis that he has worked his magic to delay the loan for Denver Carrington allowing the shale oil process to continue. Blake's patriotic virtue is little match for Alexis's sexual appetite. Obviously, Alexis and McVane had had a past, and Alexis gives McVane the key to a hotel room at La Mirage. After sealing the deal, McVane tells Blake he was unable to twist arms. Blake finds that funny since his sources told him differently. Further, his sources are well aware of McVane's extra-marital dalliances.
Blake's virtue beats out Alexis's whoredome as McVane informs Alexis that he dealt with Blake first and that deal stands. Alexis calls him out and threatens his political future. Blake warns Alexis to stay out of his business dealings.
Congressman McVane may consider moving to another district
Mark is finally able to track down Krystle and get her for a moment. A moment is all he needs so he can tell her that he never filed the divorce. Krystle does not want to believe it - she cannot believe it. She runs out of the party and begins to cry - she is still married to Mark and not to Blake. By the way Krystle, these things can be easily rectified. Oh, didn't you come close to divorcing Blake in both Seasons 1 and 2.
Memorable Dialogue
Fallon: Well, I couldn't miss it when Krystle barged in and made this big scene accusing me of luring her out there. I gather from your look she gave you a special evening performance of histrionics.
Alexis: I think we might and least try to be civilized to each other for a change.
Krystle: You may call this civilized, but I call it hypocritical and boring.
Alexis: Boring? Me? Tsk Tsk Tsk Temper, Temper. As my dear old auntie used to say, when you're angry, count to four. When you're really angry, swear. Go on Krystle, swear. I'd adore to hear you say something colorful and foul.
Alexis: I'm a Gemini, I'm many different women.
Blake: They said several things about you lately - some of your private carrying ons in Washington. Now, maybe as a good citizen, I should have those rumors checked out.
McVane: And blackmail me.
Blake: Oh, no no. Blackmail? I don't operate that way. Let's call it survival - my survival, my company's, my country's.
Alexis: [laughing] Oh Neal, you scum. You double-crossing scum. You'll be hearing from me Congressman. Enjoy the title while you can.
Alexis: Don't look so smug, Blake. It's nothing I can't handle.
Blake: I wouldn't be too sure. This time your boudoir charms may have failed you.
Alexis: Oh, well there is always a first time for everything.
Blake: I wouldn't argue that. From now on, you stay out of my life, do you hear. You keep out of my business, or, so help me, you'll wish you had.
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Next Episode - Acapulco