dynasty Episode 61 - The Bungalow
Kirby's attempt to abort her child by falling from a horse ends up in failure. Fallon learns of Kirby's fall from Tony, who loves to ride around the Carrington estate without a shirt. Fallon tries to comfort Kirby but Kirby just wants to be left alone. Fallon is able to contact Krystle who reluctantly goes to the mansion to talk to Kirby (Joseph still cannot be found). Krystle is able to get Kirby to break down and she blurts out that Jeff is not the father of the child. Kirby quickly composes herself and tells Krystle she is just babbling.
Gratuitous shot of Tony without a shirt
Joseph eventually arrives to comfort his daughter, but he is acting all weird. Joseph is even showing some emotion, so you know something must be wrong with him. He tells Kirby he will do anything to protect her. Does he even know she tried to abort her child? Does it even matter.
Oh Krystle, you are so happy that Kirby is breaking down
Despite the pleas of Krystle, Mark is taken down to the police station and is charged with arson and attempted murder. Blake, who in this episode, is obsessed about appearing "fair" actually posts Mark's bond to give him an opportunity to prove his innocence even though he believes Mark to be guilty. C'mon we all know why Blake did it - to get closer to Krystle.
I guess Hess did not have the money for his bookies
But Blake is a fair guy, he posted the bail even after he checked out Morgan Hess and Congressman McVane to see where they were at the time of the fire. Hess was in the emergency room after getting worked over by some guys for his gambling debts. Meanwhile, McVane was passed out drunk in some bar. Well if it is not either of those two, then it must be Mark. Besides, his vehicle's tire tracks are the only ones found by the cabin, other than Alexis and Krystle's.
They still are putting that stupid cold creme on Alexis
Life is rough for Alexis in the hospital, so much so that she has to have her own caviar, champagne and chocolate brought in. Alexis seems comforted by the fact that her attempted killer has been arrested. Krystle, however, cannot believe Mark did it and tells Alexis so. The real killer is still out there and will come and try again to kill Alexis.
Wow! I need to recover in this hospital!
That time is that night while Alexis is sleeping in her hospital room. In a scene straight from Halloween, someone dressed in scrubs enters Alexis's room and tip toes, with the occasional floor squeak for dramatic effect, to grab a pillow and try to smother Alexis. Alexis puts up a struggle and is able to have the pillow tossed across the room. The man in scrubs runs off. Alexis gets a nurse immediately who tells Alexis that it was probably just a dream since the only person she saw in the hall was a doctor. Alexis demands an armed guard, but why does it matter since she will be released the following day.
Love that 80s hairstyle!
Adam cannot seem to win. Once again he tries to form an alliance with his brother to unseat Jeff, but Steven considers Jeff a brother, something he does not consider Adam. Jeff gets a cable from Hong Kong where they are not happy with Colby Co's surveillance. Jeff dresses down Adam and refers to him as nothing more than the hired help. Lost, Adam (who you actually feel some sympathy for) moves out of the Penthouse and into La Mirage.
Maybe Michael Myers is the one trying to kill Alexis
Jeff has a great idea - now that he is running Colby Co, maybe he can use this window of opportunity to stop the merger with Denver Carrington. Blake is appreciative and intrigued but probably wants to battle Alexis on his own. Besides, the discussion is interrupted by Joseph who is calling from a pay phone. Joseph is incoherent and babbling about being at home and that it has become unleashed. When the phone goes dead, Blake knows something is wrong.
Gratuitous shot of Adam in a towel
He and Jeff rush to the mansion but cannot find Joseph anywhere. Then, Blake has a moment of enlightenment. Maybe Joseph was referring to his old home, the one Kirby was born in. And, Joseph wasn't saying unleashed, but Alisha, the name of his wife. Blake remembers where that home (which is referred to as a bungalow, the title of this episode) is and he and Jeff are off. Of course, the drive to Joseph's bungalow requires a truck to pull out in front of them and for a disabled vehicle to make the trek treacherous.
Joseph is slumming it
Steven is kind enough to bring Alexis home and now we see the new shorter hairstyle that Joan Collins is sporting. No wonder it has been covered so far. Alexis explained that the fire had singed her hair (funny I did not see that) and as soon as she left the hospital she had her hair done. During her moment with Steven, she tells Steven that she believes he is the only one of her children who truly loves her. The moment would be touching if it was not for the fact that Adam happened to overhear and, rightly, does not take it well.
Who keeps a gun in a home you haven't lived in for almost 20 years
Meanwhile, Joseph is in the bungalow. I guess he decided not to sell it even though he has not lived there for many years. Even more interestingly, Joseph kept a gun and bullets in a desk in the bungalow. You would think some squatters would have found it by now. Anyway, as Blake and Jeff rush to the bungalow, Joseph is preparing for a game of Russian roulette.
Looks like Blake will have to find a new majordomo
Blake and Jeff arrive at the bungalow and Blake sees a letter on the front door addressed to him. Blake reads it and calls out. He and Jeff break into the place just in time to find Joseph slumped over after shooting himself in the chest. I guess aiming for the head was not a possibility even though it is better for a suicide. The episode ends with Blake holding on to the dying (and maybe dead) Joseph.
Memorable Dialogue
Blake: Well, Alexis, I really must thank you. For once in your life, you've done me a favor, even though it was totally unintentional. You know, if you keep up this kind of behavior, people are going to start liking you.
Alexis: Why thank you, Blake. I don't know what you're talking about but people either loathe me or adore me. There is no middle ground with Alexis Colby. There never has been and there never will be.
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