dynasty Episode 68 - Peter De Vilbis
This is the third episode in a row named after a new character. Now we have some euro-trash playboy with a suave accent and slick hair - Peter De Vilbis. We meet Peter in Los Angeles when he gives a racing tip to Fallon. Fallon, being Fallon, makes up her own mind and chooses a different horse. Ahhh, Fallon should have listened to Peter as his pick, Allegre, won the race. But, this will not be the last Fallon sees of Peter.
Hello Mr. De Vilbis
It was fortuitous for Fallon to meet Peter - or was it. Before Fallon flew out to Los Angeles to check out a few architects, she had a tussle with her brother Adam over breakfast. Adam claims that Fallon's hostility is a result of her not getting laid of late. I guess Adam does not know what Fallon did in Billings with Jeff. If only Fallon had a man would she more pleasant to live with.
That's all it takes to get Fallon into bed. Well, there is more
Well, Fallon finally found a man. Peter tracks down Fallon's hotel room and presents her with a bouquet of flowers and money. Peter played the horse on behalf of Fallon and he won $6,000. Fallon gives into Peter's charm and has finally got some action which makes her absolutely glowing. A point in Peter's favor, he reminds Fallon of her father. Freud would still have a field day.
A euro-trash must!
Of course, this being a soap, Peter has to have some problems. As euro-trash, he is a cocaine addict and owes some people $6 million in Italy. Peter assures his attorney that he can get the money in a few days since he bedded Fallon, who has a very wealthy father. At least he did not try to bed Steven.
Claudia's twist on the mullet
There will be no marital bliss for Steven and Claudia with Alexis always leaning so much on Steven. Claudia voices her displeasure but Steven tells his wife this is what she gets for marrying a man in the oil business. Still, Steven tells Alexis that all this leaning on him is causing some strain in his marriage. Of course, that is not Alexis's intention. In fact, Alexis even makes a peace offering to Claudia by going through her closet in order to get her a more appropriate wardrobe for Mrs. Steven Carrington. Claudia will consider it. Take it Claudia - Alexis is treating you much better than she did Sammy Jo.
Adam stops Fallon this time!
Alexis manages to buy an article in the financial page giving her side as to why the merger did not occur. Krystle is ready to go on the offensive, which Blake loves. Jeff, similarly, cannot any longer work with Alexis at Colby Co so he makes a deal with her. She will buy Jeff out. Jeff gets the 47% interest in Denver Carrington and Alexis will get Jeff's 50% interest in Colby Co. I thought Jeff was smart. He totally screwed himself with this. Not only is 50% of Colby Co worth a great deal more than 47% of Denver Carrington, but that Denver Carrington interest was owned by Colby Co so he already owned half of that stock.
Sexual Harassment
At least the transaction allows for Jeff to return to Denver Carrington and to be a thorn in Adam's side. With Blake in Los Angeles, Jeff runs the shop and has an assignment for Adam. Adam tells Jeff he has another assignment, which is nothing more than an attempt to bed Tracy. Jeff believes Adam is always fighting him because Jeff won Kirby. Not a great prize. At the same time, Tracy is going to play hard to get with Adam, which now a days would be considered sexual harassment.
Alexis is not in the mood for dinner
Talking about sexual harassment - Dex really cannot stop himself from kissing Alexis. Alexis returns to her penthouse to find Dex ready to talk business. Alexis claims she does not conduct business in her penthouse (unless it is an attempt to seduce Blake). Dex had other matters in mind - like dinner. Alexis turns him down but not after a kiss which is witnessed by the new bodyguard, Mark. Mark's first order as bodyguard - make Alexis a martini. What a rough job!
The shock of violations of medical ethics
Now that he has been rejected by Fallon once again, Jeff decides he will shower his wife with attention. A cruise may do Kirby well. Before purchasing the cruise tickets, Jeff goes to talk with Kirby's doctor to make sure that she can make the trip. Why would you ask if she was only three months pregnant? In a breach of medical ethics, the doctor tells Jeff that Kirby is actually five months pregnant. Jeff rushes back to the mansion to confront Kirby. Kirby tells Jeff that she did not know she was pregnant at the time they wedded and that the pregnancy was a product of rape. Jeff asks who raped her. When Kirby tells Jeff that it was Adam, he seems more concerned that Kirby is carrying Adam's baby than the fact that he raped her.
That's how I snack at night - a ham?
Memorable Dialogue
Adam: Is this excess of hostility on you part due to the fact that you are simply going through a period of starvation - kind of sexual anorexia.
Fallon: How dare you talk to me like this!
Adam: I dare and I also dare say that what you really need is some guy to help you out. I understand you were quite a free spirit in various beds. Maybe you should revive an old talent. It would probably make you a hell of a lot more fun to live with.
Claudia: I thought it's what's inside a person that's important.
Alexis: Well, of course, it is. But, you have to accept that the world and society judge us by the way we act and dress. You wouldn't want to drag Steven down, would you?
Alexis [to Dex]: You found your way up here alright, you can find your way down.
Jeff: Who raped you?
Kirby: Adam
Jeff: Oh my God, you're carrying Adam's baby.
Danny, go for the cookies