dynasty Episode 74 - Seizure
The police are called out to the Carrington stables to investigate the horsenapping of Allegre. Tony claims he fell asleep while the trainer gets scolded by Peter. This is not going anywhere. How much experience do the police have on finding a missing horse? Maybe these should make up posters and post them around the neighborhood.
These type of ransom notes are awesome
Blake knows that this is nothing more than a demand for money. Why else would you kidnap a famous thoroughbred? Without the right papers, you can neither race nor breed the horse. All that needs to be done is to wait for the ransom demand.
Wasn't there something about a horse
The ransom note eventually comes to Peter. The note demands $2 million in diamonds and no involvement by the police. Why would a horse of Allegree's stature not be insured? Let them shoot the horse and collect the insurance money. Regardless of common sense, Peter is willing to put up his share. Blake is apprehensive not because of the amount of the ransom but because the demand that the police not be involved. Just do it for that beautiful horse, Blake. And, Blake agrees.
Claudia doesn't like the European way of handling things
It must be a slow news day in Denver since the press corp is staking out La Mirage waiting for the arrival of Fallon and Peter for information on Allegree. The questions quickly turn to the nature of the relationship between Fallon and Peter (this is before TMZ). Peter tells the press that he loves Fallon and that she soon will be Mrs. Peter De Vilbis. Fallon looks shocked but her kiss pretty much answers Peter's proposal. Wait, wasn't there a horse missing or something.
Staring at it won't do anything, Claudia
News of Fallon and Peter's engagement does not go over well with everyone. Blake has a nagging feeling about Peter. Yes, he had Peter checked out financially (must not have done a good job) but still does not know him personally. Besides, Fallon has a history of picking the wrong man. Maybe that is Blake's issue. Jeff just flat out does not like Peter. And, there is Claudia who remembers how Peter made a pass at her before. You would think that Peter's engagement would change his attitude towards Claudia. You would be wrong. Peter makes another pass and tries to kiss Claudia. She takes care of that with a slap.
Tracy doesn't like being called a whore
Claudia also has the issue with the violet and who sent it. Now settled in the mansion, Steven finds Claudia sitting staring at the violet. He thought she had gotten rid of it, but Claudia cannot seem to let go (great metaphor). Steven wants Claudia to forget about this and to allow him to handle it. Claudia is a Carrington now and that means people will take shots at her (especially from those inside the family). Steven gets Claudia to relinquish the flower and note, which he burns in the nearest fire place.
Anytime is a good time for a martini
Bill Rockwell, the former head of public relations at Denver Carrington, has lunch with Tracy where he asks her to come work with him since his business is taking off. Tracy wants to stay at Denver Carrington and believes time is on her side since she is aware that Krystle is either pregnant or intending to become pregnant. Bill thinks Tracy wants something more than the head of public relations at Denver Carrington. He thinks she wants Blake. Where the hell did that come from? Tracy is not beyond sleeping with the boss. How do you think she got the assistant's job from Bill in the first place. And they made it seem like Tracy was an accomplished working gal from New York, not a whore sleeping her way up the corporate ladder.
Just not martinis from country western bars
Alexis and Dex continue to have sex. Oh, and there is a business deal to boot. And not just any business deal, an excellent one. Dex had discovered these lands that contain oil but the old coot who owns them, and is desperate financially, is reluctant to lease the land. There is another potential bidder. Alexis decides she will get this coot to sign over the rights before the other bidder has a chance to make an offer.
It seems too natural for Alexis
Alexis and Dex meet the man in this country western bar. Alexis orders a horrible tasting martini. So, instead of drinking the martini, she dances with the old coot. Why does this bar have a band just hanging around when the only time there is dancing is on Saturday night? Ahh, who cares because we get to watch Alexis dance in leather-western wear (something you could see on Castro Street). Alexis is about to seal the deal but the coot has one more request, sing for him. Alexis obliges and she sings a sultry song for the man. The singing performance is exceptional and Alexis gets the leases. Dex is so impressed that he showers with her. BTW, the bathroom is really nice for a dive hotel.
Could there finally be peace?
Kirby's condition is worsening. Even though she is now resting, Kirby has a seizure and is rushed to the hospital. It is too early to perform a c-section since the chance the child will survive is minimal. At the same time, the longer Kirby carries the child, the more likely she is too suffer from stroke, heart failure or other event leading to death. Adam is beside himself (even though he did make peace with Jeff, for now). Blake has to convince Adam to take a break from his vigil over Kirby.
C'mon Kirby, it's not that heavy!
This is another side of Adam - non sociopathic. The hospital has stabilized Kirby and she is beginning to do better. Well, that is until she has this pounding headache - probably a stroke - as she cries out in pain.
The microphone has been hospitalized
Memorable Dialogue
Jeff: You better take a good look at the man. He's got the subtlety of a circus ring master. You want to marry a hustler, marry him. But, make damn sure you know what you're getting.
Fallon: I'll tell you what I'm getting - a man who's worked very hard for everything he's got. Didn't have a rich uncle to give him everything on a silver platter. So, you tell me, who's the better man.
Alexis: Look, I could either sing for him or sleep with with. What's your choice?
Tracy: Meanwhile, I'm next in line for the job.
Bill: Well, I know you, Tracy. You got your eye on something bigger.
Tracy: Meaning
Bill: Maybe it's not the job you want; maybe it's the boss. That is how you got your job with me. So, on to bigger and better mattresses.
Seal a deal, bang your partner