dynasty Episode 82 - Birthday
Denver Carrington is a beehive of activity as everyone gets a jump on exploration and analysis of where the oil is located in the South China Sea. Adam is particularly excited since his father trusts his judgment without question. Steven, on the other hand, is still angered with Adam for stealing his research and cutting Colby Co out of what it has a right to. Adam wants to solve the issue once and for all but decides to wait when he sees Jeff with Steven. Jeff wants to know what it is all about but Steven tells Jeff to ask Adam. Adam tells Jeff that Steven has some crazy idea that he stole Steven's research but Adam assures Jeff he did no such thing.
Steven is working off that aggression!
Alexis returns from Hong Kong and seems gracious in her defeat to Blake over the leases in the South China Sea. Being gracious really does not suit Alexis and it only foretells the explosion that is going to occur. Heck, even Steven notices that Alexis seems a little too calm and nonchalant about losing out in the South China Sea. All Alexis wants is for Steven to have a strong relationship with his father.
The lady has returned from Hong Kong
Tracy finally returns from Hong Kong. Krystle catches Tracy in her office. Tracy claims that she was just dropping off some files to Krystle as she cleans out her office. Most corporations will not allow such access to a fired employee. In the least, there would be an armed guard watching Tracy for fear she would steal something. But, if there was an armed guard, we would not have the showdown between Tracy and Krystle which ends with Krystle slapping Tracy after Tracy basically calls Krystle a gold digger. Tracy vows that the battle is not over.
Krystle provides Tracy with her own severance package
Dex drops by the Penthouse since he and Alexis still have business matters to discuss even if they are no longer lovers. Alexis is too busy watching television (for Rashid's explosion) to pay any attention to Dex. Before leaving, Dex suggests that Alexis hire Tracy since she should know many of Denver Carrington's secrets. Alexis is not interested and believes Tracy would do better on Dex's payroll. Dex is tired of dealing with pretty women.
It's tough to find something interesting on television
Alexis is also visited by Morgan Hess. For some reason, Alexis bailed out Morgan and provided him with a superb attorney. That is not enough for Morgan. He does not want to go to jail or to lose his license. Alexis does not have such pull and will not help Morgan any further despite his threats. Funny, Morgan made similar ominous warnings at the end of Season 3. What could it mean this time????
Hello Douglas, Assistant #7
Blake hopes Kirby will make amends with Alexis since that is Adam's mother and she will soon be Kirby's mother-in-law. Kirby answers cryptically that she will resolve matters with Alexis. Okay, it is only cryptic for those who have not figured out that Kirby is preparing to kill Alexis. Alexis does not suspect a thing as Kirby tells Alexis she is re-considering her job offer in Paris. Ultimately, Kirby is just eager to learn how to shoot her gun. At the range, Kirby is apprehensive until she visualizes the target as Alexis. Then, she is spot on. Even the instructor fears whoever Kirby targets.
Kirby's Got a Gun
The fun part of the episode, and the title, is L.B.'s second birthday party. There is a lavish circus-like affair at the mansion. Poor Jeff is forced to dress as a ridiculous, and child-molesting looking, clown. Everyone has a great time. Even Alexis seems to be in high spirits (just waiting for Rashid's explosion). Of course, the party is not without its drama.
Coming to a firing range near you
Alexis wishes there would have been some hors d'ouevres with caviar, and not that dreadful watercress. Krystle overhears Alexis commanding the staff and, after getting something with caviar made for Alexis, confronts her about giving orders to the staff. Alexis plays it off and offers a drink with Krystle. Well, Krystle is not drinking because she is pregnant. Alexis is slightly surprised by the news but is not all that impressed. Anyone can get pregnant.
It could have been worse, John Wayne Gacy could have been the clown
Further, and foreshadowing Season 5, Alexis tells Krystle she can brag when she gives birth to 4 children like she has. Krystle catches the discrepancy but Alexis plays it off that she had a miscarriage after giving birth to Steven. Alexis assures Krystle that she is not the only woman to have given birth and to have a miscarriage. Later, Krystle asks Blake about the miscarriage, but Blake knows of no such thing. Before Krystle can explore it further, she is interrupted by Claudia and Steven.
Alexis seems a little friendly
The interruption has to do with big news from Fallon. Only the wealthy would require the entire family to attend an announcement in the library in black tie attire. The entire family is there, except Annie Oakley Kirby, to hear that Fallon has accepted Jeff's proposal for marriage. Everyone is excited. And, this time, Fallon is going to do it right by having the wedding at the house, and not fly off to Las Vegas.
At least Alexis still torments Krystle
The joyous celebration is interrupted by Rashid's explosion. Gerard enters and asks to turn on the television for important news. It appears that Rashid has claimed that the $100 million advance for the oil leases was a front for arms running for one government to prepare for hostilities against another government (it would be a lot easier if they would just use country names). Now the other country has sent warships into the region and there will be no oil exploration in the near future.
How can Fallon say no
Blake, Krystle, Adam, and Jeff go into crisis mode as the press is waiting for Blake's arrival at Denver Carrington. (Fortunately for Steven, he works at Colby Co.) Blake now looks like an arms dealer and he will not be able to access oil any time soon. Krystle and Blake figure out that Alexis was behind this entire scheme (duh!) and Blake feels a fool for trusting Rashid. Alexis celebrates the news in her bath and commends Rashid and tells him he can continue with his plan.
So the press just hangs out at Denver Carrington and hopes Blake will just arrive
Memorable Dialogue
Krystle: Your little game is over, Tracy, and you've lost.
Tracy: Wrong, you are wrong, Krystle. You see, the way I play, the game isn't over until the team walks off the field, So, just between us, let's consider this a time out.
Alexis: I'm not interested in Blake's rejects.
Krystle: Well, it's her grandson's birthday. Maybe, she's declared general amnesty for the day.
Blake: The only thing that make me more nervous than Alexis on a rampage is Alexis on a good will mission.
Alexis: You pregnant?
Krystle: Yes
Alexis: Congratulations
Krystle: Thank you
Alexis: Not that it is all that special. I mean, even earth worms can procreate.
Alexis: Stop playing mother earth, Krystle, when you've given birth to four, then you can crow.
Krystle: Four? What are you talking about.
Alexis: Did I say four, it must be the champagne. It's not meant to be gulped down.
Alexis: Slammer? What a quaint word. If there is any justice in the world, Mr. Hess, it should be your tailor who should be sent to the slammer for those hideous jackets he supplies you with.
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