dynasty Episode 96 - Kristina 

Jeanette and Gerard finally make it to the bottom of the steps.  Gerard wisely suggests that they call an ambulance.  An ambulance will take too long so Blake will bring her to the hospital.  Jeanette gets some pillows and a blanket.  Somehow, it takes forever to bring the car around.  No matter, Krystle has gone into labor.  So, Gerard needs to call the ambulance as Krystle is going to give birth in the mansion.

At least Jeanette figured out Krystle went into labor

At least Jeanette figured out Krystle went into labor

Somehow, Claudia arrives at the mansion before the ambulance.  Claudia was just as La Mirage where she put some things in her safe for Nicole, with Nicole spying where the safe is located.  Krystle is brought into her bedroom and she gives birth right there.  Claudia is the lucky one to just yell Krystle to push and check between her legs.  Mrs. Gunnerson and Jeanette look on doing nothing.  

You should be sweating when you see who is playing doctor

You should be sweating when you see who is playing doctor

Claudia delivers the baby girl and it does cry.  But then, Claudia notices the baby is not breathing.  I noticed that no one bothered to cut the cord or attend to the afterbirth.  That rarely happens in television dramas.  Blake performs CPR on the baby and pleads with it to breath.  The EMTs arrive and get everyone to the hospital alive. 

Is she even pretending to deliver the child?

Is she even pretending to deliver the child?

Blake is worried sick about his wife and daughter.  Krystle has a slight concussion and the child is in the state you would expect for being born premature.  While Blake stands vigil for the two, Alexis arrives with gifts for the baby.  Of course this being Alexis, there is more.  She does not appreciate Blake investigating into Amanda's paternity.  Blake is appalled that Alexis would raise the issue at this point.

Blake trying to bring Kristina back to life

Blake trying to bring Kristina back to life

Everyone is appalled by Alexis's obsession about keeping Amanda's paternity a secret.  Okay, not everybody.  Dex is not thrilled because Alexis is behaving coldly towards him.  There is only one reason for that - Blake.  Even though Dex refuses to share Alexis with Blake he usually seems to do so.  Dex goes out to the patio of the penthouse to cool off and Amanda is just standing there.  Amanda's flirting seems to go a bit too far but when Dex calls her bluff by acting interested, Amanda pulls away. 

Alexis always knows the right time to make it about herself

Alexis always knows the right time to make it about herself

Alexis sends Steven and Luke to Santa Barbara to get a handle on the oil spill situation.  Claudia is not thrilled about this.  Steven is pulling away and she feels threatened by Luke.  Best part, no one has even bothered to say whether Luke is gay.  We all know he is, especially since he really has a thing for Steven.  One evening they are working late, and Luke spills some club soda on Steven's shirt.  When Luke tries to dry it, Steven pulls away and snaps at Luke.  Steven goes to change his shirt and looks at his reflection and probably ponders his homosexual feelings.

Luke is excited to see Steven

Luke is excited to see Steven

Claudia is going to become a victim of her own Greek tragedy.  She is so afraid of Steven leaving her for a man, that she is going to end up pushing Steven towards one.  In a comedy of errors, Claudia calls Steven's room but Luke answers the phone because he just entered to drop off some papers.  When Claudia asks where Steven is, Luke says the shower, which is true.  Claudia does not want to leave a message.  Instead, she walks aimlessly down the street, probably believing her husband is having an affair.

Claudia knows this marriage is about to end

Claudia knows this marriage is about to end

She is so distracted that she walks past Dean Caldwell's art gallery and not even notice it.  Dean notices and he invites Claudia back in for some coffee.  Dean admits that he is attracted to Claudia and Claudia feels that her husband is pulling away from her.  There is only one result.  The two begin to kiss. 

But you didn't need to precipitate it, Claudia

But you didn't need to precipitate it, Claudia

Jeff is getting closer to Nicole even though Nicole has a weird obsession with Fallon.  Nicole tells Jeff it is just idle boredom.  Regardless, one evening Jeff is in Nicole's room when her dress is delivered.  Jeff asks Nicole for a $5 bill to tip the guy and she tells him that her purse is in her top drawer.  You know what else is in that top drawer - a picture of Peter DeVilbis which he signs for Nicki, his adoring wife.  Who gives their wife a picture as a gift and then signs it?   That's crazy.  Jeff demands to know what is Nicole's deal. 

Nicole is rather nosey

Nicole is rather nosey

Amanda pays a visit to Blake in the hospital and can see that Blake is really hurting.  Really?  That does not take a rocket scientist.  Blake responds that Amanda reminds him of Fallon.  Really?  Only Fallon could see through his facade.  Can we stop pretending the Amanda-is-like-Fallon garbage and just acknowledge that this is Blake's child.

I am going to start signing pictures of myself that I give to family

I am going to start signing pictures of myself that I give to family

Krystle is eager to see her baby.  After seeing the baby struggle and fight for life, Krystle wants to name the child Kristina after a childhood friend who was such a fighter.  As if Blake has a choice.  Well, Kristina better fight some more because she is starting to go into a state that can lead to seizures, and, even worse, death. 

Scarlett never dressed like this

Scarlett never dressed like this

Memorable Dialogue

Blake [to Alexis]:  I've thought I've seen everything.  My wife is in the hospital.  My baby is fighting for her life and you.  You come in here enraged because you might have to share Amanda with me.  You call that love.  You've never loved anyone but yourself.  Now, leave us alone  I can't stand the sight of you. 

Dex [to Amanda]:  Has Scarlett changed her mind about fun and games on the porch of mama's sky top plantation. 


Alexis is looking great

Alexis is looking great