dynasty episode 12 - Blake Goes To Jail
It is amazing that Ted could die so quickly and easily from hitting his head. The police, of course, are questioning everyone. Krystle returns to support her husband. Blake refuses to go with the police because it was an accident. It really does not work that way Blake, unless you are in Florida and you happen to shoot an un-armed African American teen (but I am digressing). Blake won't go until he sees Krystle. And, there she arrives, the two embrace which means we have to hear the Dynasty theme.
There's Something About Blake
Blake is led out in handcuffs as the press awaits outside. How did they get up to the mansion? Isn't that private property? Down at the station, Blake learns that the prosecution is going for first degree murder. The killing was pre-meditated. Had it been manslaughter, an accident, as Blake claims, he would just get probation. Wow! They were pretty lenient back in 1981 - probation for manslaughter. Not anymore. Blake wants Andrew to call in some favors to get these charges not to stick. Bad news Blake, you made just as many enemies who want to see you destroyed.
Love those cameras!
Steven is a basket case over Ted's death, and rightfully so. He and Fallon attend Ted's funeral in North Dakota. No wonder Ted left that place - his family looks like a bunch of in-breds. We are talking a few steps evolved from the cast of the "Hill Has Eyes." Even so, these people want nothing to do with Steven, but at least Steven understands. Heck his father killed their son.
Wow! So this is the people of North Dakota.
The right to a speedy trial is almost instantaneous in Denver. What was it - a week before Blake is already standing trial for First Degree Murder. The Deputy D.A. is going to use this trial as a stepping stone to the governor's mansion, which means he will do plenty of grandstanding. Andrew - now we know why Jeff had to make a point that Andrew was a great criminal defense attorney before working for Blake - is going to play the gay-freight defense. Steven was on the road to recovery and when Blake saw Ted hugging his son, it made him angry, but the death was just an accident.
In response, the State is going to show that Steven was not seduced into the homosexual lifestyle and calls Ed, you know the oil rig worker, to testify that he saw Steven and Ted holding hands and being "gays". Claudia tells Matthew that Steven is not entirely gay. Matthew wonders how she knows. Claudia plays it off that Steven told her during casual conversation. Smooth one Claudia.
Steven can't look at the man who killed his former lover
Let's hope you are as smooth if you get called to the witness stand. Now, if Blake has his way, Claudia would not testify. He pretends it is because he does not want to traumatize her, but we all know the real reason. If Claudia admits to an affair with Steven, it will ruin her marriage to Matthew and Matthew can make a play for Krystle. Well, before we find out whether Claudia will testify, the State puts on its case.
Jeannette - whose last name is Robbins - testifies that Blake was enraged when he found out that Ted was in Stephen's room. Blake also said, "I'll kill him". Not looking good Blake. Don't worry, Fallon will help Blake out by perjuring herself. Fallon testifies that Ted lunged at Blake and then when Ted took a step back, he tripped on a box and hit his head. Only problem is that Fallon did not tell the police that. She was just confused. Perjury usually does that.
It's always nice to include a picture of Jeannette
Before we get back to the trial, the Denver Carrington Board of Directors smell blood and are ready to knock Blake down. It is pretty easy to do since he is on trial. Blake has a secret weapon though - Krystle. Blake gets Krystle to run the Board meeting and put its members in its place. She does a damn good job of it too.
Chairwoman of the Board
Okay, back to the trial. The last witness to testify during this episode is Steven. Steven is visibly sweating, which does not help as the Deputy D.A. is yelling at him. I thought Andrew was a great defense attorney - why is he not objecting. Oh yeah, this is television. Steven testifies that Blake pushed Ted and that Ted was not doing anything. Wait - doesn't that testimony contradict Fallon's? Steven has an answer to this dilemma - Fallon was lying. Yes she was! Not very bright of you Fallon, is it.
Kind of hot on the witness stand
Memorable Dialogue
Steven: They are selecting a jury of his peers.
Fallon: Oh, that's a joke. Who are they to judge Blake Carrington?
Steven: What about Ted, are they his peers, Fallon?
Blake: Steven, look at me.
Steven: I can't
Previous Episode - The Separation
Next Episode - The Testimony