dynasty Episode 211 - The Son Also Rises
Even though they have only had sex twice, and probably have been together two days, Sable and Dex spend the day together skipping rocks and talking about Dex's love for Alexis in what has to be the most convoluted and tortured break-up in history. Sable and Dex return to Sable's place to end their budding romance with class, and that means sex. Just as the two were hoping for a second round, there is a knock at the door. It is Monica - Sable's daughter and amazon who lifted her own mother in a hug. Monica is quite the snarky little vamp and mock's mother's "indiscretions." After Dex sneaks out, Sable convinces Monica to come to Denver and help her take down Alexis and Colby Co. Monica reluctantly agrees. Besides, she has nothing going on in Los Angeles - Miles and Bliss are gone and Jason hasn't seen her in a year. (Monica also says she hates work, but doesn't she work at Colby Enterprises?) At least Monica has one brother living in Denver - Jeff, a fact Sable would not care to mention. But no matter, Monica is here to stay (well until the series ends).
I guess it's more than a one (or two) time thing.
Zorelli is just bulldozing his way into places trying to find Fallon. For some reason, he has the bright idea that Fallon is at work (he was with her, he should know that she doesn't go). Blake has Zorelli escorted out of Denver Carrington. Zorelli does use his detective work to track down Fallon to Delta Rho but somehow cannot get past Sammy Jo's German maid. I mean, the maid wasn't that big. Fallon finally agrees to speak to Zorelli. Zorelli assumes Fallon saw the picture and Fallon says Zorelli made her feel like a fool and betray her father. Zorelli assures her that he never gave the picture to his superiors (oh and they know the body is Roger Grimes) because he was stupid enough to fall in love with her. For some reason, Fallon doesn't take kindly to that and gives him the classic soap opera slap. Zorelli promises to leave Fallon alone but gives her the picture as a souvenir of what could have been. (Yeah, like they don't make copies of these things.)
The benefits of having a German maid!
Jeff hates it when Fallon is right!
Blake decides he is going to take control of his life. He wants Adam out and Fallon back in (clearly, he does not care about Steven and Amanda.) Adam is none-to-happy to have been kicked out of Denver Carrington and swears to his father he will regret having him as an enemy. Blake is waiting for Alexis to make her move and his fears come true when Jeff arrives into his office with a copy of Alexis's newspaper. And on the bottom of the front page is an ad seeking information on the mining project and Roger Grimes. Oh, it is on!
Sammy Jo is willing to hire anyone to work at Delta Rho
Nothing like some garbage stew!
Adam, now that he is crashing with mother (who doesn't know it yet), is bored so he tried to woo Joanna. He stops by her apartment for sugar, but is interrupted by Sable who spies on the two of them talking. With Adam hiding, Sable apologizes to Joanna for being short and gives her way too much credit in her vendetta against Alexis. You would think that Adam would be distrustful of Joanna after hearing this - but such attributes are perfect for Colby Co. Joanna is not ready to hear a serious offer until she is chewed out by Sable for being short with Monica. Joanna stops by Alexis's suite to give Adam the sugar for which he was looking (no seriously, it was sugar cubes).
Adam is done at Denver Carrington
Real smooth, Sable
What an outfit!
Tanner finally makes up for his disembowelment of that stuffed rabbit in Sammy Jo's hospital room by dropping off a life size stuffed rabbit (in ever-so cute overalls). Sammy Jo is clearly smitten with Tanner, but it does not bother Jeff who pretty much sees the writing on the wall. Tanner prepares dinner for Sammy Jo and Fallon - garbage stew - just kidding. Sammy Jo is impressed with all the work that Tanner is doing for disadvantaged and street children. Now, wait a minute, wasn't Sable supposed to be doing similar work (well at least raise money) on behalf of Krystle and isn't Sammy Jo supposed to be helping with that. Oh, I guess everyone forgot about Krystle's legacy (granted it became her cause a week before she went into a coma).
Monica has arrived . . .
and is already mimicking her mother
Poor Krystle, poor poor Krystle.
Memorable Dialogue
Adam But, you're not going to like having me as an enemy.
Blake: Couldn't be any worse than having you as a son.
Monica: Would it be alright if I called you Uncle Dex.
Sable needs to wash the three days of Dex off!
Monia - I am kidding. Mother is so straight. She once thought IUD was a federal agency .
Jeff (to Monica): It's your mother, not mine.
Sable: Thank goodness for that.
Previous Episode - House of the Falling Son
Next Episode - Grimes and Punishment