Dynasty Top Scenes - Blake's AIDS PSA

by That Paragon of Sanctity

Season 7 of Dynasty was not only a mess but just odd at times. One of the oddest scenes, is this exchange between Blake and Steven in the season finale. Steven tells Blake that he is leaving Denver (again), and Blake does not want Steven to go because there is AIDS out there. What? Is there no AIDS in Denver? Maybe there is none in the Carrington Mansion. I am not sure about Delta Rho.

And, Steven’s response, that he may choose to be celibate if he has to, is just strange. Granted, I may be looking at this from my current eyes, and not thinking of how HIV/AIDS was viewed or portrayed in 1987. Props to Blake for noting that it was not just a gay disease. Further, Dynasty should have addressed the issue after the hysteria following the death of Rock Hudson, and his kissing scene with Krystle. But, the scene is just odd.

In the end, Steven (Jack Coleman) waits a year before leaving Denver - giving him the opportunity to kill Matthew, run Denver Carrington and a football team, and have some strange living arrangement with Sammy Jo. Maybe Steven should have taken his chances out there earlier.