Season 6 ended on one of the highpoints of the series - Alexis out maneuvered Blake into owning all of his holdings, including the mansion. Alexis evicts Blake and his “blond tramp” and is on the verge of gaining control of Denver Carrington. What more can she do? Apparently, Alexis is not finished and decides her victory is the perfect time to go into the newspaper industry for the sole purpose of destroying Blake and blaming the fire at La Mirage (caused by Claudia) on Blake.
Great job Claudia
Why would Alexis switch gears so quickly? Alexis can finally merge Colby Co and Denver Carrington (granted, she will be stuck with Ben and not Blake) - but turns away from that just so she can kick Blake while he is down. I get why Alexis would do it. But, what makes no sense is why others, especially the D.A. were quick to believe that Blake had someone set the fire at La Mirage.
Hasn’t Krystle suffered enough
It makes absolutely no sense that Blake would have someone set La Mirage a blaze while almost his entire family was there to celebrate Dominique’s engagement party. Would Blake really risk everyone he loves just because he was somewhat over-extended (final word about the South China Sea leases had not come in yet)? Who knew Alexis’s new venture can have such influence.
Thankfully, Jackie cleared this up very quickly
And to further show how ridiculous this is - Alexis and Dominique were able to figure out what had happened very quickly after Blake had been denied bail. It wasn’t a hard mystery to solve. It also helped that Dominque’s daughter, Jackie, just happened to see Claudia open the door to her suite with the flames going on behind her. So, Claudia actually opened the door and then just stood there - she didn’t try to run or anything. Wait, why am I trying to make sense of this.
The plot also led to a needless subplot of the husband of one of the individuals who died in the fire deciding to kill Krystle in revenge. Krystle is able to talk him out of shooting her. Further, poor Krystle had some sort of medical condition that required rest but Krystle was too busy playing Nancy Drew with Dominique to follow the doctor’s advice. Poor Krystle always seems to have medical issues. So fragile.
What, no Adam
Yes, it is important to keep the fighting between Blake and Alexis going after Alexis achieved her goal (and the second half of season 7 when Blake and Alexis were getting along was such a snooze), but the writers could have come up with something better. It is as if we are to ignore why the family was at La Mirage that night. The one good thing about this lame story line is that it only dragged on for about 5 episodes.