Fallon’s choice is pretty obvious, especially after L.B. is the hospital with a 104 degree fever and bacterial meningitis. At least the writers did not drag out L.B.’s illness or Fallon making her decision. While L.B. is sick, Fallon visits the chapel in the hospital and promises God that she will be there for her son and his father. Of course, Jeff overhears that. Anyway, why am I dragging this out - as soon as L.B. is better and returns home, Fallon tells Jeff that she chooses him and that she will marry him. I am sure this resolves everything, especially since Jeff, Fallon and Miles will be living in the same house.
Probably still better for L.B> than dealing with Rita
Before Fallon makes her decision, Miles kind of hopes that there is still a chance for him, but he knows he is pretty screwed. And, if he did not, Monica pretty much tells him as much. Nothing brings parents together than a sick child. When Fallon tells Miles that she has chosen Jeff, he pretends to take the decision well and wants one last lunch with his wife. For some reason, Fallon agrees. Apparently, the story that Sable told her about what Miles did the last time he lost (drove erratically which resulted in an accident), did not resonate with Fallon. Miles takes Fallon on a crazy ride in the mountains to show her what it is like to lose control. Fallon finally takes control of the situation by turning off the ignition (query whether this is smart), storming out of the car and flagging some stranger to give her a ride down the mountain (again, query whether this is smart).
It was bound to happen
Why did you get in a car with him
Things are not really going well for Miles, and they could be getting worse. Mahoney, the man who Miles had got into a fight with and who could tie Zach to the oil spill in San Miguel Harbor, has turned up dead. Coincidentally, the coroner determined that Mahoney was killed on the day that he and Miles got into the fight. When the police ask Miles about this, Miles gets angry (big shock). Nothing happens at the moment with Miles, but of course something will eventually.
Oh look, Miles is pissed again!
Speaking of Zach, Jason’s report on him really does not turn up much useful information and nothing to tie Zach to the oil spill. Jason comforts himself with the fact that he was able to get Bliss away from Zach’s nephew. Of course, this means that Sean is going to make another play to get back with Bliss. Sean decides to approach Bliss in the parking garage of a shopping mall - which scares her half to death. What I don’t understand is why Bliss parked her convertible in the garage (I am sure a fancy place like that has valet parking) and left the roof off. Anyway, Sean wants to show Bliss something to explain his actions, and Bliss agrees to go. Why do women do this?
Sean takes Bliss to a nursing home to visit his mother who is in a wheelchair. She doesn’t look sick or anything, she is just old. Sean’s mother believes that Sean and Bliss are getting married and hopes to make the wedding. Bliss did not have the heart to tell her the truth, but that does not mean she is getting back with Sean. I guess Sean’s emotional blackmail did not work. You need a sick child in the hospital not a sick mother in a nursing home, Sean.
Is this really the best way to pick up women.
Now that Monica knows that Neil is married, she is more open to her feelings for Wayne. At least Wayne is writing a song inspired by her, that Monica hopes will go platinum. Just as the two kiss, Neil barges in and claims they have work to do. That is Wayne’s cue to leave. Neil tells Monica that he thought they had something together. That is the perfect time for Monica to remind Neil that he has a wife.
Sorry, Neil is better looking - even if he is married
Sable decides that the house has too much staff and that Katie (the maid who found Connie’s bracelet) is to be let go. I am sure she is the only one. Before leaving, Katie says goodbye to Connie and seems a bit good natured about her layoff. Katie is just glad that Connie got the bracelet back that she had found and had given to Sable. Connie finally puts all the pieces together. Connie decides to rehire Katie and tells her to send Sable her way if Sable asks why she is there.
The wheels are turning
There is no need for that since Sable decides to confront Connie for ruining Miles’s chance with Fallon. Sable blames Connie for Fallon’s decision, which is a little ridiculous, but why not? It gives Connie the perfect opportunity to confront Sable about her dirty tricks of late. Sable pretty much owns it and promises Connie the next round will not be so easy.
Connie retired to deal with this.
Whether it is Sable’s manipulation, Miles’s criminal exposure or the oil spill issues, Connie decides that she will not run off with Hutch for the moment. There is business that she needs to take care of at home. Does she really? Connie, just go with Hutch and enjoy retirement. Hutch understands but hints not to take too long. Jason is a little surprised that Connie wants to come back to Colby Enterprises, but what can he do?
At least coming back to work will keep Connie out of the house with Sable
In London, Frankie learns about L.B.’s condition and wants to fly out to Los Angeles. Jeff says that is not necessary. Meanwhile, Roger tells Frankie that he had two options for his post - Singapore and Los Angeles - but he chose Singapore because he is a little jealous of Jason. Frankie tells him that she will follow him anywhere, but that he should not have rejected the Los Angeles post because of Jason. Okay, the Singapore post has to be more desirable than the Los Angeles post, but that does not matter to Roger, who is able to get his posting changed to Los Angeles. Looks like Roger and Frankie are going to L.A. and Frankie can be close to her son, grandson, and the whole Colby clan. That should work out well.
Oh wait, Frankie is walking into a mess. Sable, who will do anything for Miles, decides to show Miles the letter from Phillip after Miles loses Fallon to Jeff. Miles can use the letter to at least prevent Jeff from taking Colby Enterprises from him. I don’t think Sable has thought this through. Her deal with Jason was not to use the letter. I don’t think Miles using it is some sort of technicality that Jason will allow. Anyway, Miles goes to Arthur Cates who says that Miles will need a lot more evidence of Frankie’s infidelity than the letter to prove that Jeff isn’t Phillip’s son. Miles wants the best private investigator for this. Time to think about this - what would happen in the age of DNA. I guess you can test Jeff’s DNA to Jason or Connie (Phillip’s siblings) which would show that Jeff has some Colby blood. But can it show whether he is Philip’s son? Ahh, it doesn’t matter - this is the mid 1980s.
You got to be drunk to come home to that.
Miles also shows the letter to his father. Jason know this is all part of Sable machinations and tells Miles to drop it and let it say in the family. Miles does not understand why Jason does not want to cut Jeff out and be loyal to his “only son”. Miles believes that Jason wants to protect his “girlfriend”. Jason tries to control his anger but eventually backhands Miles after the second reference to Frankie being a whore. [Does Frankie really come off as a slut??] Miles storms off, but not after promising his father that he is going to prove that Jeff is not Phillip’s son.
Memorable Dialogue
Monica (to Neil): Does your wife know you sleep with the boss?
Sable: Oh the wise and noble matriarch. Come off it, we know what you are. You are meddling and manipulative.
Connie: What happened to senile. Took me a little while to figure that one out.
Sable (to Connie): Oh very good. The old wheels are still turning. Very slowly, but they are still turning.
Sable (to Connie): You may have won this time, but that was child’s play. You won’t find the next round so easy.
Sable: Miles, are you drunk?
Miles: No, but I’m working on it.
Sable (to Miles): I know my sister - fidelity isn’t in her nature.
Jason: I asked Francesca if it were true. Don’t you think she knows the father of her own son?
Miles: Maybe she’s not so good at multiple choice.
Jason: Watch it, Miles.
Miles: You don’t think your girlfriend would lie to you.
Jason: Don’t do this.
Miles: Must have really hit a nerve. It really kills you to think she was playing around before you umped on the bandwagon.
Jason: Stop it [Slaps Miles]
Miles: Now, tell me again, she means nothing to you.