The COlbys Episode 12 - "The Pact"
Wouldn't you know it - poor Little Blake brings back some sort of illness from Denver. And, no I am not talking about Dominique, even though she appears in this episode. It is probably just some cold that kids get since the doctor is not concerned. My only concern is what does L.B. have near his lip. It kind of looks like herpes. Also, it seems that the child playing L.B. is having a hard time keeping his eyes closed. Look kid, this isn't a hard acting gig - just lie there with your eyes closed, I am sure you can manage that.
There is something on that lip!
Fallon's concern for her son, mirrors Sable's concern for her son. Sable is determined to save her marriage as well as Miles's marriage. And she believes that Philip's letter is the key to saving both marriages. Seriously, what better way to salvage a marriage than with blackmail. I may need to try that one day. Before we get to Sable's latest scheme, I should note that Frankie pretty much calls herself a slut and refuses to acknowledge if Jason is the father of Jeff.
How all my clients look when I tell them good news
Sable knows that if the contents of the letter are true, then Jeff may not be a Colby and will have to give back Connie's fortune. She goes to Jeff and tells him that she will not pursue the matter, and smear the "good" name of his mother if Jeff backs off Miles and Fallon. It probably would not matter much since Fallon and Miles finally sign the annulment papers. The guilt trip that both Sable and Miles laid on Fallon did not work. With the annulment filed, maybe Fallon can decide who she wants.
Happy annulment
The letter does have better results for Sable and Jason's marriage. Sable offers to back off using the letter if Jason agrees to back off the divorce. Sable does not care if she has a shell of a marriage, it is better than a divorce. C'mon Sable, California is a community property state - you end up with half of Jason's fortune. I'd say go for it. No matter, because Jason agrees to Sable's offer and the "good" name of Saint Frankie is preserved.
A drink to a shell of a marriage
Talking about marriages, it seems the Neil is married. Who knew? Certainly not Monica, but Dominique knew because she managed to let Monica know that when Monica had noted how appealing Neil is. Clearly, he must have some sort of charm but that wifey thing does kind of a put a snag in Monica's plans with Neil.
Apparently, I don't get enough airtime on Dynasty
Oh yeah, he is married
Bliss is doing no better in the man department. Sean is determined to plead his case to Bliss, but Sable runs some interference. It is during that interference that Sean mentions that Zach has a vendetta against Jason Colby. Sable is none to thrilled to learn that this is nothing short of a vendetta on Zach's behalf. Zach will use every member of the Colby family just to get even with Jason. Oh, Bliss tells Sean to leave. But, who really cares about these two.
What is with her look!
The pipeline is still a mess as Jason's tankers are still stuck in San Miguel Harbor and the pipeline project is being stalled on Dynasty. With the captain dead, the only person who could provide proof that Zach is involved with the spill is Mahoney. You know, the guy Miles beat up in the last episode. Well Jason believes in a new approach in handling Mahoney and asks Jeff to take care of matters. It does not matter since Mahoney is now missing.
Always looking pissed
Oh yeah, I mentioned Dominique before. What is she doing in Los Angeles other than destroying Monica's happiness? She is opening a new nightclub with the very creative name "Dominique's". And who better to open the new nightclub with than with Titania Record's newest star, Wayne. Well, Wayne, of course, will take second seat to Dominique who sings an exception number and does so without coughing up ketchup. I mean blood.
You own half of Denver Carrington, do you still need to sing!
Almost all the cast is at the opening of Dominique's. Maybe Bliss just did not feel like going. Besides, it is not like it is a cool nightclub or anything I have ever seen or pictured as a nightclub. It is just too elegant for me. Some interesting stuff happened at the nightclub. Connie and Zach danced together with Connie pretty much talking business. Miles continues to be his asshole self as he dances with Fallon but refuses to let go of her. Sable still does her little dance with Zach as she tells him to leave her and her family alone.
I could kind of see them as a couple
Although Zach much prefers this
The biggest drama comes from home, where L.B.'s fever hits 104 and he is rushed to the hospital. When Fallon learns about it, she, Jeff and Jason rush to the hospital. Seems like L.B. has acute bacterial meningitis. I guess that is pretty bad. But, we all know what this means. Fallon and Jeff will draw closer together. Poor Miles. The story of Miles almost killing himself when his teammates rejected him did not touch Fallon as much as the realization that her son could die. Miles loses again. But, is it really a loss?
Honestly, not much happened in this episode. It seems kind of like a filler, which is fine. We need these every once in a while.
Memorable Dialogue
Monica: Oh, he has a certain, uh, appeal.
Dominique: Yes, he has a certain appeal, but don't forget he has a wife. . .[Monica looks shocked] and he obviously has not told you.
Miles [to Jeff]: I've got bad news for you pal. If I can't have her, I'll make damn sure you can't either.
Sable [to Jason]: You can't expect a hot-blooded creature like Frankie used to be, to be entirely faithful. She wasn't a saint.
Sable: Let go of me.
Zach: Never
Sable: From most men that would be a compliment. From you, I think it's a threat.
Zach: A threat I think you'd rather enjoy.
Jason: You planning on taking a wife.
Zach: Perhaps. The only question is - whose?
Previous Episode - Thursday's Child
Next Episode - Fallon's Choice