the colbys episode 18 - “the wedding”
Gee, I wonder what will be happening in this episode. It’s not like the title will give it away. Oh yeah, Fallon and Jeff are getting married. Sable is really outdoing herself to make sure this will be the wedding of the year, even if she knows how much this is going to hurt Miles. Miles is still trying to put on a brave face while secretly harboring feelings for Randall/Fallon. Why does he put himself through this, other that to make expressive faces.
How very formal!
The day before the wedding, Fallon gives Henderson a note to give Miles. In the note, Fallon asks to speak to Miles. Seriously, this is how Fallon is going to communicate. Just go to the mansion and talk to Miles - it would be easier. Also, wouldn’t it be safer for Fallon to talk in the mansion instead of calling Miles to the guest house. After the two speak, Miles gives Fallon the scarf that he got her the night they were married - and which she had lost. Afterward, Miles tells Monica that there is always the chance that Fallon and Jeff will not work out - like last time. Monica feels Miles is deluding himself.. But, Miles really is not that deluded. I give it 50/50 that Jeff and Fallon will stay together (granted, we all know what eventually happens).
Close the doors first
Meanwhile, Jason talks to Jeff and asks Jeff to go easy on Miles since Miles has been through so much and that this wedding will be really difficult for him. Again, this probably should have been a conversation to have before all of this happened. Regardless, Jason gives Jeff his father’s pocket watch and the two embrace. Of course, Miles sees this and has words with his father about it.
Since this is the wedding of Jeff and Fallon, we should see plenty of people from Dynasty in this episode. That’s right, Joan Collins refused to appear on The Colbys (I think the same for Linda Evans). How to explain this - oh there is horrible fog in Denver that is going to last for two days preventing many people from attending the wedding. Fortunately, Blake, Stephen and Dominique left before the epic fog.
Miles continues his stalking thoughts
Blake and Stephen did not just come for the wedding - they have some business to attend to. The continued injunction at San Miguel Harbor has pretty much forced Blake to sign a deal with Zach Powers. If Jason is unable to ship Blake’s oil from the South China Sea, then Zach will be paid to do it. Zach finally got what he wanted. When Blake tells Jason, Jason is not thrilled and keeps harping that the two have a deal. Blake notes that they still have a deal but he needs that oil and if Jason can’t ship it, then he will turn to Zach. Jason assures Blake that he will do what it takes to ship that oil and notes that his grandfather would have assaulted Blake. Ahhh. just imagine what Tom Carrington would have done.
Blake vs Jason would have been epic
After signing his deal with Blake, Zach is visited by his stepson, Spiro, who runs the New York office of Powers Shipping. Spiro suggests that Zach had something to do with the drowning death of his mother (a death that made Zach a very wealthy man). Regardless, Zach wants Spiro to investigate the murders of Livatis and Mahoney. Spiro was sure that Zach was responsible. This adds an interesting twist. If Zach did not have them killed, and Miles did not do it - who did it and why?
Unlike Lady MacBeth, Zach’s hands are clean
For some reason, a new detective, Braden, is on the Mahoney murder case. He would like to talk to Miles to clear up a few matters. Miles agrees. When Braden asks Miles what had happened after the fight, Miles notes that when he left Mahoney, Mahoney was alive and that if he wanted to kill Mahoney, he would have used something stronger than his fists. Not the brightest thing to say, Miles. Also, why doesn’t Miles have a lawyer with him? He can afford it.
Zach can’t help himself
Sable cannot believe that Zach was invited to the wedding and that Zach accepted. She asks Zach not to attend since she has so many other things to worry about (particularly Miles). Zach tells Sable that it would not look right if Jason’s business partner failed to attend. Zach also assures Sable that Miles will not say anything about finding his mother in Zach’s apartment.
Fallon isn’t wearing persimmon. I am disappointed.
Sable can believe that Frankie will attend the wedding. Frankie stops by the day before and asks Sable for a truce - at least for the wedding. Sable notes that it does not matter since Frankie will not be around as often with Roger being reassigned to Singapore Wait, how did Sable know? Frankie suspects that Sable had something to do with the reassignment. As if Sable has pull with the British Foreign Office. Frankie thinks Sable is capable of anything and the truce is off - it lasted so long. Besides, do we really want to see a truce between Sable and Frankie.
Sable has more important things to do than deal with Frankie
The first wedding in the Colby mansion since Jason had married Sable seems to have gotten Jason a little bit sentimental. He notes how beautiful Sable is and it seems like there may be a break through for the two. That is until Henderson interrupts - great timing. Later, before the wedding, Sable brings up the possibility of a reconciliation. Connie and Garrett see this and it annoys Connie to no end. Connie suggests that maybe Jason is the aggrieved party in this divorce. Garrett notes that if that was so, Sable would have to ease on her demands. [Side note on California divorce law - everything is split 50/50 - what needs to be determined is what is community property and how to split it 50/50.]
Jason seems to be taking this well
Bliss, unlike Monica, brings a date to the wedding - Sean. Jason acts polite with Sean, but Bliss really knows how to spike the ball after this small victory by suggesting that maybe a wedding is in store for her in the future. Geez Bliss, take it slow and don’t say anything to Jason just yet.
I get Connie gave Jeff half of Colby Enterprises, but she couldn’t give Fallon a better gift.
Unlike the last wedding in the series - on Dynasty - this went off without a terrorist attack. Thank goodness for that. But, is anything interesting going to happen. Frankie catching the bouquet and her eyes with Jason are not particularly interesting. Bliss and Sean sneak off for some reason. Miles did not even make a scene. Oh wait, Miles kind of does as Braden shows up with two police officers to arrest Miles for the murder to Mahoney. Did Braden really have to do it at this point? He does if you want to make dramatic TV!
Great job, Miles!
Memorable Dialogue
Zach: Speaking of investigation - I need to you to start one for me into the murders of Livatis and Mahoney.
Spiro: You mean you didn’t arrange them? It wasn’t a Zach Powers special.
Zach: Whatever you think, I am not a murderer.
Spiro: Does any else know that?
Frankie: I’m not even sure about Roger’s reassignment yet.
Sable: Well, take it from me, darling/ the wife is always the last to know.
Frankie: You’re capable of anything.
Sable: Um, that comes under the pot calling the kettle black, doesn’t it?
Frankie: So much for the truce.
Sable: Yes, well it was beginning to drag on a bit, wasn’t it? See you tomorrow, Frankie, and, oh, don’t be the last guest to leave.
Zach: I hear that Sable Colby is making this the wedding of the year.
Sable: Not out of choice. It was that or leave. Jason made it clear.
Blake: Fine, you do what you have to do.
Jason: You mean come after you with a horsewhip, like my grandad would have done. But, I’m not my grandad and you’re a guest in my house.
Blake: For a couple of more hours, anyway.
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