the colbys episode 42 - “guilty party”
We begin another episode with someone being rushed to the hospital. This time it is Fallon. And since Fallon fell down the stairs, that means the baby has been put under distress and the doctor needs to perform a cesarean. Even though Fallon cannot stop calling out Jeff’s name, she needs to make a decision before Jeff can arrive. Naturally, Fallon wants to do anything to save the baby so a cesarean it is even though the baby is so small. It’s a good thing Fallon is wealthy and in one of the best hospitals in the country. Fallon gives birth to a baby girl who is slightly over three pounds. Fallon wants the girl to have Constance as her middle name, but no word on the first name yet.
Keeping the hospital busy!
As the baby struggles to survive, the family comes together which means very little conflict among the Colbys. Monica tells Sable that all she wanted was Sable by her side while she was giving birth to Scott. Frankie and Sable share a moment (hell, they even embrace). Miles and Jeff bond. Even Sable and Jeff have a touching moment together. What the hell is going on here? I need some drama.
Oh come on - not just a little strangle.
Phew, there is some drama as Frankie and Miles suspect that Channing pushed Fallon down the stairs. No one bothers to ask Fallon if Channing pushed her. Instead, every one is counting on the word of L.B. who initially denied that he left his marbles on the stairs. Channing, rightly, tells Miles that L.B. is just scared to tell the truth because of what happened to his mother. Miles still will not believe her. Channing has had enough and has finally decided to leave (it really is about time).
A baby has a way of bringing together the most interesting people
While Channing is packing her things, L.B. goes to his Uncle Miles to return the marbles. He no longer wants them. He tells Miles that even though he told his mother he would not leave his marbles on the stairs, he did. How brave of L.B.! Now, Miles has to go and apologize to Channing. Miles tells Channing that he now believes her because L.B. told him the truth. Wait, does this actually solve the problem here. The problem is that Miles did not believe his wife in the first place. Miles continues to put everyone else above Channing. Come on Channing, don’t stick around for more of this. Channing appears somewhat receptive to Miles’ apology and request that she stay.
So L.B. is the guilty party
Maybe it was fortunate that Jeff stormed out of the mansion before Fallon’s fall. Jeff decides to stop off at the Excelsior for a drink and just happens to have a moment with Hoyt Parker. When Hoyt learns that he is next to Jeff, he walks off. Even better, Hoyt receives a call. Jeff, playing secretary, takes the call and who happens to be on the line? Zach Powers. Great, now the Colbys are going to tie Zach to Hoyt and to Connie’s death. For some reason, Jeff assumes that the guy next to his who had left was Hoyt and he chases after him. Unfortunately, Jeff runs a red light and the police pull him over. Hoyt has gotten away.
Stop torturing yourself Miles
Later, Hoyt decides not to meet with Zach but calls him to ask Zach how he got his name. Zach has his secrets too. Zach believes that he and Hoyt have the same interest in Jason’s Empire, but Hoyt claims that he is not after Jason’s Empire and only made a sound investment.
Jeff reports back to Jason and Miles about Hoyt and Zach. They believe that Zach is using Hoyt to get a foothold into Colby Enterprises. It seems that the holders of 2/3rds of Colby Enterprises common stock can forego their dividends and convert their stock to voting stock (including a seat on the Board). That is what must be going on even though it would cost hundreds of millions to acquire that much stock. Jason confronts Zach. Stop barging into Zach’s office giving him information he does not have but can use to make his next move. Jeff tipped Zach off to Hoyt and now Jason tips Zach off to Hoyt’s connection to Connie’s death. It is a good thing that Zach isn’t a curious person.
Stop going to Zach’s office
Kolya has learned the best part of American freedom - consumer goods and credit cards. Bliss and Kolya have some lame conversation about freedom, television and some other Cold War rhetoric. At least Sable actually bothers to call Bliss about Fallon. Connie dies - no one tells Bliss. Jason is almost shot - no one tells Bliss. Fallon and the baby are in danger - Sable calls Bliss and then Bliss does not even go to the hospital. Why bother?
U.S.A.! U.S.A.! Kolya knows that the paper cards that come with the wallet aren’t real credit cards, right?
Zach actually gives Sable more than 24 hours to respond to his wedding proposal. Sable still cannot give him an answer - she is too preoccupied about the baby. Zach is correct that it is always something with Sable but admits he will never be able to push Sable to a decision. Zach will allow her to not answer, for now, but there will come a time when he will no longer accept her delays.
Sable gets some more time!
Now that the baby is born, everyone can learn the paternity of the father. Dr. Banks informs Miles and Jeff that they did blood work on the baby and they should have the results in 48 hours. I am curious how accurate such tests would be at the time. I mean, Miles and Jeff share a lot of genetic material - same father and their mothers are sisters. Granted, this is not Mr. Wizard’s World so I really should not concern myself with such interests. My guess it has something to do with mitochondrial DNA which is passed on from the mother.
The moment of truth is coming
When Miles refers to Fallon as “My Fallon” to Sable, Sable tells Miles that Fallon will never be hers, baby or no baby. In fact, Sable would prefer the baby not to be his if it would help Miles get over Fallon. There is the possibility that we may actually learn the paternity of the child early as Dr. Banks has called both Jeff and Miles to his office. No results yet and the paternity of the child may be academic (Dr. Banks’ words) as the baby has taken a turn for the worse. The baby has Respiratory Distress Syndrome and needs to remain on a respirator. The next five days will be crucial for the survival of the baby. Did you really think there wouldn’t be a medical issue with this child? If you did, then you have not watched Dynasty/The Colbys.
Stop threatening to leave Channing and just do it!
Memorable Dialogue
Miles: But I have to. It might be that right now. And, if it is, I’m asking God to save my Fallon.
Sable: My Fallon? Oh, dahling. This baby may be yours but the mother never will be again. You got to accept that.
Channing: That night on the merry-go-round when you proposed to me, I thought you were my knight in shining armor. My dream come true. Well, it came true alright, but it’s turned into a nightmare.
Miles: Channing
Channing: Forget it, Miles. The nightmare is over and so is this marriage.
Jason: You did all of this out of idle curiosity.
Zach: You should know by now my curiosity is never idle.
Zach: I’ll wait Sabella. I’ll leave it to you to guess how long.
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Next Episode - Fallon’s Baby