dynasty episode 121 - the titans, part 1
Originally, the Titans was a two hour program, so I had to come up with a good breaking point for the two episodes. Also, the action in Part 1 may not be as interesting as a lot of it builds up in the second part. I probably should have reviewed this as a single episode as I did with the pilot but that is kind of impossible now and would require a lot of change, which I am not willing to do.
Not dramatic at all!
We get the pleasure of meeting the rest of the Colby clan in this episode as Blake and Jason spar over where the party for the announcement of the pipeline will be held. Blake wins out and it will be held in Denver. Thus, the Colby clan will be going off to the Rockies. Jason's wife, Sable, finds it odd that Jason would allow such a party to be in Denver. In fact, Sable notices there a quite a few changes in Jason, especially in his libido. That is a true sign that a man is hiding something. Jason plays it off. Besides, Sable does have a very nice body, as we see all too well. (Blake refers to her as a panther.)
It's been a while since we met another one of Alexis's male secretaries. Hello, David
We do get a delightful scene between Sable and Alexis as Sable calls Alexis to make sure the two would not be wearing the same dress at the party. Of course the two women would not be wearing the same dress, but it does give us the opportunity to enjoy the two snipng cousins (a precursor to Season 9). It is a shame that the producers did not recognize the chemistry between the two earlier. Allow me to do a side note on the acting of the main players on what will become The Colbys. Charleton Heston and Barbara Stanwyck clearly have this dramatic style of an earlier era as the two totally overact to the mediocre dialogue. Stephanie Beacham, on the other hand, handles the dialogue like a pro and creates a character that is larger than life without being overly-dramatic in a cheesy way. You see this dynamic even in this introductory episode.
Where is Sable looking
We also meet Sable and Jason's two other children. (We have already met Miles.) Monica, the attorney, is the responsible one in the family. Jason really should let Monica run Colby Enterprises and not his playboy son, Miles. Then there is Bliss, who is some sort of activist who refuses to attend the part announcing the pipeline because she is opposed to its construction. Um, this is just like Steven in the first couple of seasons (and they are both blonde). You live in that home and enjoy the Colby money, so don't be all high and mighty. Sorry, that is a little harsh on Bliss.
The relaxing massage is interrupted by a call from cousin Sable
Bliss may not be the only one not attending the party. Miles, after Monica told him how important Jason said it was for him to make it to Denver, is too busy chasing after Randall/Fallon. Trying to find herself, Randall/Fallon is prepared to take a bus to Phoenix, but Miles catches her and convinces her to allow him to driver her to Phoenix. They can discover who she is together. Jeff also wants to go to Phoenix after hearing of a possible sighting of Fallon. He and Blake fly out there but are unsuccessful. Further, Jeff does not appreciate Blake trying to memorialize Fallon since he does not believe she is dead.
Time to change clothes
Alexis and Dex will not be able to make it to the party. The two are plotting their rescue attempt of King Galen. Who knew that mercenary work together is good for a healthy relationship? Amanda quickly figures out why Alexis and Dex and mysteriously leaving together. Dex swears Amanda to secrecy regarding the mission, and Amanda agrees.
Crazy times over at Delta Rho. Krystle seems to be knocked out forever as Joel carries her to an attic in the stables. Joel commands Rita to switch clothes and prepare herself to be Krystle. Rita is not going to be able to pull this off without having Sammy Jo as a crutch. Thus, Sammy Jo will now become Rita's right hand woman. The two are inseparable as they return to the mansion. Mrs. Gunnerson asks some complicated question regarding something French and Rita is clueless. (So am I.) Thankfully, Sammy Jo rescues her.
This really is amateur hour
Now, Rita needs to convince Blake to allow Sammy Jo to move into the mansion. Steven is not thrilled at the prospect, but Blake gives in to his "wife". In the mansion, Rita comes to a realization, she might have to have sex with her "husband". You should have thought about this earlier Rita. Sammy Jo assures Rita that she can handle the situation. Just let Blake lead. That prospect does not thrill Rita. Look Rita, you are sleeping with Joel, how much worse can Blake be.
Speaking of Joel, he is becoming really creepy spending all his time with Krystle in the attic. Joel reminds Krystle that she can not make commands to him and must learn to be polite when making requests. (By the way, where is Krystle going to bathroom?) Krystle pleads to be let go, but that is not going to work. Joel has his eyes set on the Carrington fortune, and it appears on Krystle. It is all very creepy as he assures Krystle things will be better the following morning. I don't think that is true.
There two are going to pull it off
Memorable Dialogue
Alexis: He wanted to invite us to a party.
Dex: Oh, did a new shipment of your favorite hemlock just arrive in Denver.
Sable [to Bliss]: Where on earth are you heading for in that costume - a lunar exploration?
Sable: Alexis, darling, I don't have to tell you how happy and relieved I am that you got out of that dreadful little country safely.
Alexis: Oh, thank you for your concern, dear.
Sable: Only natural considering our mummies were sisters.
Alexis: Yes, but that doesn't exactly make us kissing cousins, does it?
Previous Episode - The Gown
Next Episode - The Titans, Part 2