dynasty Episode 180 - The Surrogate, Part 2
Alexis cannot believe that Blake's new found love for the environment is helping him in the polls. Sean has an excellent counter-punch, Alexis should note that turning those 70,000 acres over as a wildlife refuge will cost the state jobs. Oh, the classic environment vs. the economy argument. This seriously cannot be a Republican primary. Anyway, I digress. Alexis's attack is somewhat effective as it causes Blake to slip a tad in the primary polls to Ralph Dunbar (his opponent, so I should name him). Ultimately, all this does is to pit Alexis against Blake and Krystle. We get plenty of stink eye from Krystle as well as she behaving as the doting, concerned wife that Blake always wanted but that Krystle resisted for years. We also get plenty of snide remarks from Alexis. It is business as usual - just around a political campaign this time.
Don't look directly at Alexis.
Well that pretty much covers Blake, Krystle and Alexis for this episode. Time to focus on the younger characters. Let's start with Leslie, who has now decided she wants to become the next Alexis Colby. Being Dex's project manager is not enough. When Leslie returns the signed papers to Alexis, Alexis uses it as the opportunity to tell Leslie that Dex is a neanderthal and that she should want more than working with Dex. Leslie agrees but she does not want to be to appear to eager, but she is so obvious. Regardless, Leslie does get a job with Alexis. Thanks for everything Dex, it has been real.
Leslie's attempt to hide her ambition is not working so well as she appears to be targeting Jeff. Jeff is a good target since he and Fallon are on the outs, again. Even slight intervention by Krystle and Blake to get the two to reconcile does not seem to help. Blake is not concerned since he is certain the two will work it out. Blake's delusions continue. Jeff decides to put work before dinner with Fallon (Fallon made plans with LB anyway) which would be fine except that Leslie convinces Jeff to go to dinner later that night. Leslie mentions her dinner with Jeff to Fallon and Fallon tries to control her anger. Ah, it's a good job. Lovely tension in the mansion.
Fallon teaching LB all about UFOs
Let's not speak of what Fallon is reading!
Speaking of tension, Dana always looks so tense. After Krystle tells Dana that she will enjoy the thrill of motherhood soon, Dana breaks down and tells Krystle that she is unable to conceive but she has found a way to give Adam a child. Krystle accompanies Dana to an attorney to discuss the surrogate motherhood program. Once Dana is determined to be a perfect candidate, she tells Adam of her idea. Adam is not thrilled about the idea of having another woman carry his child but changes his mind once Blake tells him that there is enough room for one of his children to run Denver Carrington one day.
Dana had that look again
Gratuitous shirtless shot
Now that Dana and Adam are on board with getting a surrogate, it is time to meet the lucky candidate - Karen Atkinson. Adam is instantly in love with Karen, or at least her uterus. Dana, of course, is not as happy especially with Adam's eagerness and instant taking to Karen. Dana is kind of jealous but plays it off that she feels things are moving too quickly. Dana confides in Krystle who tells Dana she needs to speak to Adam. It may be too late. Adam provided his seed and Karen is in her fertile period. It will be a few days before they all learn whether Karen is pregnant.
Baby Mama
This really is a crappy synopsis. Then again, not much happened. Finally, we have Steven, Sammy Jo and now Josh in what is one of the oddest, but blondest, love triangles forming. Thanks to Josh, the team finally wins a game in weeks. So, what does Steven do - he takes Josh out to dinner at the Carlton and brings Sammy Jo with them. That is totally natural behavior for a sports team owner. Wouldn't you know it, but Steven is needed back at the office. What a surprise. This gives Josh an opportunity to make another pass at Sammy Jo. Sammy Jo is not receptive to such neanderthal ways and pretty much threatens his manhood.
Blondes do have more fun
Smooth move, hot shot
Josh goes out to Delta Rho the following day to apologize. Sammy Jo is a little more receptive, especially when Josh admits he is afraid of horses. When Sammy Jo tries to ease Josh's fears, the two kiss. That seems to be a natural progression. And, who catches the two kissing, Steven. Steven wonders why Josh is not at practice. Hmmm, one could wonder why Steven is not in the office. Just keeping it real.
That poor horse
Memorable Dialogue
Leslie: You can't believe it's simply one woman helping another.
Dex: If the woman weren't Alexis Colby, I might buy it.
Sammy Jo [to Josh]: Hold it right there, hot shot. I'm not buying your dumb country boy routine. Now, if you don't let me out, you might find yourself with an injury that not only prevent you from playing next Sunday but from ever fathering a child.
Alexis [to Sean]: You're so cynical. I love that in a man.
Previous Episode - The Surrogate, Part 1
Next Episode - The Primary