dynasty Episode 181 - The Primary
It is already time for the primary. Let's take a guess who will be endorsed by Alexis's newspaper - Ralph Dunbar, of course. As if there was any doubt. Regardless, Alexis wants to lock down that timberland from Arthur Whitcomb before Blake is able to get it. Alexis should be able to get the land easily since Arthur despised Blake's father. Then again, who did not despise Tom Carrington. Well, other than Laura Matthews. Alexis is so confident that she will get the land, that she agrees to have Sean whisk her away to Mexico for a vacation. No need to worry, but Sean will have Alexis back in time to vote in the primary. Gee, I wonder for whom she will be voting.
Alexis needs to find something better to watch
Blake is determined to get that land for the people, and the wildlife, of Colorado. Blake tracks down Arthur and has a hard time convincing the man to give up the land to the state. The best part is when Blake invokes how Arthur and Tom Carrington both shared a love for the environment in Colorado. Tom Carrington was also an environmentalist. Who knew? Usually such people don't go into the oil business. In any event, Blake appears not to have reached Arthur, but that all changes before Blake is preparing to give a televised speech. Arthur shows up and provides Blake with the deed to that land. The timing could not be any better for Blake who makes it the focus of his speech. What was he going to talk about before? Maybe it worked, but Blake does win the primary.
Alexis is having a great time in Mexico
At least it ended well, maybe!
Alexis is pissed that Blake won, but she at least has good news of her own, I guess. Alexis marries Sean down in Mexico. How does such a powerful business woman make such a decision. Well, there apparently is a bad storm where they are staying and Sean does not return. The next morning Sean arrives and Alexis is so grateful that she accepts his proposal soon thereafter. And, why waste time. The two are married and the perfect wedding gift for Alexis is learning that Blake got that timberland and the nomination. See, Alexis this is why you cannot leave Denver and go get married. Fool.
On to the younger ones. Leslie does have her eyes set on Jeff. Even though Leslie works for Alexis, she seems to have time to work on Blake's campaign (but Fallon doesn't?) After a long day working, Leslie offers Jeff a back massage. Well, not offer but just does it. Dex catches the act and calls Leslie out for what she is doing. Leslie does not seem to deny it. Later, when Dex catches Leslie giving Jeff a peck on the cheek, he decides the appropriate action is to tell Fallon that Leslie is the one who told him about her encounter in the desert.
Don't like it too much
As for the encounter, Jeff is as supportive as ever. When he catches Fallon reading a UFO book, he really cannot hide his disgust or mockery. Fallon does convince him to join her at a support group for people who had similar experience. Jeff agrees but probably because he feels guilty for not telling about the meeting sooner. We all know Jeff is going to say something insulting at the meeting, and he does when he tells the group he would send his son to see a psychiatrist if he ever told him about having an experience with aliens. Way to keep the marriage strong, Jeff.
Jeff does not approve of Fallon's reading material
At least Adam and Dana's marriage is stronger despite Dana's new found misgivings about the surrogate. When Karen tells the two that she is pregnant, Dana tries to hide her insecurities with a fake smile. Karen notices it and assures Dana that this is her child and that she will share in the experience as if she was carrying the child herself. Dana seems to be coming to terms with the situation until Adam does something stupid. Adam, I know, what a shock. Adam shows Dana some beautiful earrings and asks her if she loves them. Dana, thinking they are for her, says she does. Oops, they are for Karen. Maybe Adam should have brought a gift for Dana too.
Maybe you should have bought a gift for your wife
Josh and Sammy Jo realize the kiss was a mistake but really don't try to hide their feelings for one another. Steven is expressive though as he tells Josh to just focus on football and not his family. Josh really does not take the message as he keeps visiting Sammy Jo at Delta Rho. It finally pays off as Sammy Jo gives in to Josh. We can blame Steven for this because he keeps leaving Sammy Jo alone. Besides, Josh can give Sammy Jo something that Steven won't.
Good angle - working the kid!
The newlyweds return to Denver and all Sean wants to do is focus on their relationship and not worry about Blake. Oh, Sean, you fool. In any event, Sean gets a call in Alexis's place from some mysterious person. Sean chastises the person for calling him there (then why give the person the number) and that the deed is done, he has married the woman. I guess it really isn't going to be happily forever after.
Sammy Jo needs more than that, Steven
Memorable Dialogue
Alexis: Fish? Sean, I don't like fish. I only like caviar.
Dex: You'd rather be a first rate Colby than a second rate Carrington. Isn't that what going clickety-clack there in that non stop brain of yours right now?
Leslie: What an interesting notion. Why don't you stayed tuned to find out.
Previous Episode - The Surrogate, Part 2
Next Episode - The Testing