dynasty Episode 187 - The Interview
Alexis's entry into the governor's race is going to be a real game changer. It will also make the Colorado governor's race the most exciting in the country as ex spouses go at it. Blake knows that Alexis's role as a spoiler will do nothing more than to allow the other candidate to win. For some strange reason, Blake thinks he can talk Alexis into dropping out. When will he learn. All of this just bothers Krystle who has become quite the perpetual worrier in the house trying to protect Blake. As if Blake needs it.
Sean goes every where with them!
Meanwhile, Sean learns about Alexis's decision when Leslie's radio alarm goes off. No more sucking on Leslie for Sean, he needs to return to his wife. Sean hires a mariachi band and apologizes to Alexis and congratulates her for entering the governor's race. Now that Alexis is running for governor, she will need someone to run Colby Co and she wants that someone to be Sean. Wait! Alexis is supposed to be some smart business woman and she is just going to turn over Colby Co to a man she hardly knows, even if they are married. Also, what about the stock holders, and the Board, don't they have to be considered? Stop being so logical - just accept that Alexis put in charge a man who is determined to destroy her. Krystle should just let Alexis ruin herself instead of whining all the time.
Alexis has a particular glow about her
Alexis's first big test for her campaign - other than actually creating a campaign - is an interview with Blake and James Rayford. But, Blake is well rehearsed in the issues and Alexis is pretty clueless, even though she had decided to become the champion of working mothers. Good for her! Sean has a great idea to sabotage Blake at the interview. Sean gets a hold of Blake's schedule and switches his driver. Blake's new driver takes Blake to a secluded road where he pretends to have car troubles. When Blake gets out to help, the driver gets back in and drives away. Wow! That is like one of the oldest tricks in the book and Blake fell for it.
Pointing at the car as it drives off really won't help, Blake
Since Blake is hanging out on some secluded road, he cannot make the interview and cannot contact anyone about his whereabouts. Ahhh, life before cell phones. The moderator of the interview has a great idea - Krystle can serve as a proxy for Blake. Yeah, because that would happen. Still, it will be ratings gold as the former Mrs. Carrington will take on the current Mrs. Carrington. Oh, and Rayford will be there also. Alexis scores some points against Rayford during the interview. Krystle, however, outshines Alexis and smoothly gets in some cheap shots. Afterward, Alexis rips into Krystle about how she will destroy Blake (we've heard that before). Krystle responds with a slap.
Alexis at the interview
Krystle responds
There are some people not running for governor. Jeff and Sammy Jo appear to be having a good time skiing. Why is Jeff even allowed to go on vacation at the moment? Anyway, Sammy Jo's good time seems ruined as there is money problems at the ranch. This causes Sammy Jo to become a wreck and question her abilities as a woman. And, to make it worse, she is a lonely woman. Jeff reminds her that she is not the only one who is lonely and he tries to cheer her up. I see a budding romance here. Also, I see that the writers forgot that Daniel Reese's estate was more than just Delta Rho.
Krystle responds more effectively
To cope with her filing for divorce, Fallon decides to go blond. It really does look ridiculous but no one has the heart to tell her. Fallon is also growing closer to Dex which seems kind of strange since they really never were close before. Ahh, it's cute. Maybe there could be a budding romance there. It's not like Dex hasn't slept with one of Alexis's children before. That is, if we are to accept that Amanda still exists.
Jeff is teaching Sammy Jo how to read
Dana is still a wreck and Karen notices it. Karen tells Dana that she needs to be honest with Adam about everything, especially before the birth of the child. Dana tells Adam that she cannot conceive because of an abortion she had after getting pregnant after having sex with a very drunk Michael Torrence. Adam cannot believe Dana killed his child and he goes to Karen for comfort. Adam believes that maybe he just wasn't meant to be a father. There was Kirby, Dana's abortion and now he fears something will go wrong with Karen. Hmm. . .one thing I have noticed is that all three of these pregnancies occurred under some messed up scenarios.
Another dramatic pose from our dramatic couple
Just so we don't forget that there is still that deal in Natumbe and that we can see Steven pose, Fallon stops by Steven's office at Denver Carrington. Why she drops in is beyond me because she arrives just in time to hear Steven reject Harry Thresher again. Fallon tells Steven she is tired of him making decisions unilaterally but Steven reminds her that there is no majority yet on the deal. Well, maybe Fallon can get Adam to come to her side. I am surprised Adam has not done so already.
Now, Steven knows how to pose
The episode ends with plenty of flashbacks from Seasons 2 and 3 when Dynasty was better. After getting off the phone with Kirby, Sean has a flashback of when Kirby threatened Alexis with a gun but ends up agreeing to go to Paris and leave Adam. Of course it is strange that Sean would have this flashback since he was not there or even existed.
What is worse - the hair, or the workout outfit. Oh, the 80s!
Meanwhile, Krystle is determined to find a way to stop Alexis from attacking Blake, since she had been so successful with it for the past 6 years. While sleeping, Krystle has flashbacks of her fall from the horse and her confronting Alexis about it. Since that does not provide the ammunition Krystle needs to attack Alexis, she then remembers the scene at the reading of Cecil's will where Alexis questions Krystle as to whether she believes that Alexis killed Cecil. Hmm. . .Krystle has some ammo - maybe she will find out if Alexis did kill Cecil. Yes, this is kind of pointless since we all know she did not. See, if Krystle was able to have flashbacks of scenes she was not in like Sean she would know that.
Memorable Dialogue
Alexis: By the time I get through with you Blake, you're going to wish you never ran for governor.
Alexis: So speaks the darling of Dayton, the loyal woman who just happened to come to Denver and just happened to marry one of the richest men in the country while taking dictation - and God knows what else - from him. Well, you better be prepared to be really loyal to him now, Krystle, because, by the time I'm finished with him, every man, woman, and child in this state is going to know him for the coward he really is. Every time he steps a onto a podium, every time he goes on a television show, they're going to laugh him off it. I want to see he's completely finished and I'm going to be the one who does it.
Krystle: I've had all I can stomach from you. [Slaps Alexis]