dynasty Episode 70 - Carousel
Fallon and Peter continue to hang out in bed in Los Angeles. Fallon over hears a conversation Peter has about trying to sell an interest in Allegre, the thoroughbred. Fallon suggests that Peter not offer anyone an interest until they speak with Blake first who may be interested. So, it is off to Denver with Peter and Fallon. I guess we can assume that those men in Italy gave Peter some more time to repay his debt.
Can't they do anything else?
Now, why would Peter want to come to Denver of all places. And the Carrington mansion is the most awkward site in the area. Blake and Krystle are excited to announce their engagement at breakfast. Too bad for them that breakfast includes Adam, Jeff and Kirby. None of whom have discussed the situation. The three congratulate the two, agree to keep it a secret until the Carousel Ball, and quickly leave the room.
See Dex, all it took was giving Alexis a 50% interest
Adam wants to discuss with Kirby the next steps now that she is carrying his baby. Kirby wants Adam to forget that he ever heard it. She seriously is going to pass the baby off as Jeff's, or maybe immaculate conception. In the meantime, Jeff and Kirby will pretend to be a happy couple for Blake's sake. Even Krystle cannot say anything to Blake about this mess.
I was the only non-elected President
Back in Canada, Dex must have felt a little bit guilty about swindling Alexis over the tar sands because he agrees that the two should be 50/50 partners in the joint venture known as Lex-Dex Corporation. Alexis is so grateful about Dex's change of heart that she agrees to sleep with him. On the flight back to Denver, Alexis acts as if it was a beautiful moment and nothing more. Why can't a hookup just be called that, a hookup? That, however, does not stop the two from being lovey dovey in front of Steven, who has gone to the airport to greet his mother.
It was easier to deal with the Vietcong!
Peter does convince Blake to buy an interest in Allegre. An interest that Blake gives to Krystle as a wedding gift. Hmmm. . . now we all know there is something not right about this horse and its ownership. Great gift Blake. Thankfully, the engagement ring is huge.
Finally, everyone learns that Blake is going to marry his former wife who never was his wife
The setting for most of the episode is the Carousel Ball, an annual even to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Fund. The Ball is a grand event with many dignitaries. Hell, Blake and Krystle meet with Gerald and Betty Ford while Alexis meets with Henry Kissinger (where there is a suggestion that the two had some fun while together, appropriate for the famed womanizer Kissinger). The scenes seem rather contrived but it it hard to mix scenes from the actual Carousel Ball with those done in the studio.
Steven is ready to forgive his father
The Ball itself is not without some drama. Former Congressman Neil McVane runs into Alexis, literally, and feigns to be glad that she survived the cabin fire. A few threats later, and Alexis introduces McVane to her body guard, Mark, who is doing an excellent job guarding the bar. McVane tells Mark that he should reconsider his threat on Alexis's life.
Alexis manages to both compliment and insult Claudia over the dress she wore to the ball. Steven once again has to remind his mother to stay out of his marriage and not to be so critical of Claudia. Alexis's attempted manipulation of Steven's life takes a greater hit when Steven reconciles his differences with Blake (despite Alexis's protest) after Blake announces his engagement to Krystle.
With Steven reconciling with Blake, Alexis better make nice with Adam
Well, if Blake could reconcile with his one son, Alexis can do the same with Adam. Alexis tells Adam that she stopped the merger to protect him and not to let Blake know that he was the one who poisoned Jeff. Further, Alexis is aware of Adam's past drug use and is there to support and to love him. Adam is happy and his soon-to-be child has given him a new perspective on life, one that he is willing to share with Steven (but not share that Kirby is carrying his child) in front of Kirby.
Blake is not happy that Dex went into a joint venture with Alexis. Dex is on the Denver Carrington Board and he should not be making deals with the enemy. Dex tells Blake that he should not let his personal animosity towards Alexis blind his from business opportunities. Could Blake and Alexis actually have business dealings together?
Perfect timing Peter
Krystle is still interested in having a child and wants to know how dangerous it would be for her to do so. Tracy, meanwhile, hopes that the engagement between Krystle and Blake will mean that Krystle will stop working at Denver Carrington and she can have her rightful position.
The last of the drama involves Jeff, Peter and Fallon. Jeff notices Fallon and Peter kissing in the elevator at Denver Carrington. Well, how can he not notice since Peter made sure he saw it. At the Ball, Peter acts like what he is, Euro-trash, who of course, has a douche bag sports car. Peter rubbed Jeff the wrong way (me too).
Jeff learned that Europeans don't change their clothes
Peter takes Fallon from the Ball at night. And, for some reason beyond me, he and Fallon go riding on a red baron like plane still in the attire from the Ball the following day (or maybe the Ball occurred during a solar eclipse). Then again, Jeff arrives at the airport his tux to watch the hot dogging. Don't these people change clothes. You cannot tell me that Ball was in the afternoon and the sun was still up for the airplane antics. Whatever, once the plane bounces to a landing, Jeff threatens Peter not to risk Fallon's safety. Peter informs Jeff that he is no longer married to Fallon and he does not need to answer to him. Oh, as long as Fallon is the mother of Jeff's child, Peter will answer to Jeff. Hey Jeff, just wait it out, those goons from Italy should take care of Peter for you.
Oh, how gay!
Memorable Dialogue
Alexis: That is a very pretty dress.
Claudia: Thank you, Alexis.
Alexis: Interesting color, it matches your eyes. It's off the rack, isn't it?
Claudia: Yes, it is.
Alexis: Well, considering it's store bought, I think it looks terrific on you.
Alexis: Henry, hello
Henry Kissinger: Hello, Alexis, good to see you
Alexis: Good to see you. I haven't seen you since Portofino. It was fun.
Neil: Alexis, well I'm glad to see you are still among us.
Alexis: Are you?
Neil: I'm not really glad, you understand, but it is the civilized thing to say, isn't it?
Neil: Alexis, if any one tried to murder you in the hospital, it wasn't me. But, who knows, maybe next time.
Jeff: About this De Vilbis fellow.
Fallon: What about him?
Jeff: Well, how well do you know him?
Fallon: Not as well as I intend to.
Previous Episode - The Proposal
Next Episode - The Wedding