dynasty Episode 71 - The Wedding
Let's jump ahead a few weeks to the day before the second wedding between Blake and Krystle. Kirby is beginning to show more and who knows if Peter paid off those men in Italy. (I doubt that Blake's purchase in Allegre covered the $6 million Peter owed.) Tracy gets Krystle to turn over the credit cards and the key to the sensitive files while Krystle is away on her honeymoon. It's nice to get that small detail out of the way - it may be important later.
Maybe her child is like one of those from Alien
Kirby is still annoying (when has she not been) and refuses to let Jeff help her and she will not even talk to him. Kirby will suffer alone with the pains she is having during her pregnancy. Adam is also tired of being shut out. Adam confronts Jeff in the gym at the mansion but that goes no where - as it always does. At Blake and Krystle's wedding, Adam eventually has some alone time with Kirby and tells Kirby he will be damned if his child will be raised as Jeff's as a Colby. Kirby assures him that the child will have the name Anders and that she and Jeff are getting a divorce.
Yeah, Adam, Kirby looks like she would love to marry you
Adam believes this is his opportunity, again, with Kirby and tells her that the two should get married and raise the child. That is the type of environment the child needs. Of course, a child should be raised by two parents who do not love each other (well, at least Kirby does not love Adam) and was only conceived as a product of rape. That seems healthy to me. Kirby sets Adam straight and reminds him once again that she does not love him.
It's a side of Claudia we rarely see
Peter has nothing better to do than to hang around La Mirage. At one point he asks Claudia to make sure an architect friend of his has a north facing suite. When Claudia goes to make a note of it, Peter cannot help himself but to stare at Claudia's ass. Europeans are butt men, what can you say. Peter then makes a pass at Claudia. Claudia is not pleased and promises to tell Fallon. Peter dares her to since he will deny it. Guess who Fallon will believe.
A natural reaction to lunch with Alexis
Claudia not only has her hands full with Peter, there is Alexis. Steven stops by the penthouse and Alexis gives him an early birthday gift - 1000 shares of Colby Co stock. Alexis wants Steven to share that news with Blake on his wedding day. She then tells Steven she had planned something big at the St. Denis Club for his birthday. Steven asks to move the date since Claudia already planned something much smaller on that date to coincide with Blake and Krystle's return.
Could that A be any larger
Alexis does not like that she needs to compete for Steven's attention and intends to do something about it. Alexis tries to get Claudia to change the date, but Claudia will not since Blake and Krystle have already accepted the invitation. Alexis tells Claudia that she does not believe it is a good idea for Steven to get close again with his father, but Claudia disagrees. Besides, the decision is Steven's. Since when does one's personal autonomy interfere with Alexis's manipulations.
What a creepy way to hold a woman
Alexis is less than thrilled with respect to the nuptials between Blake and Krystle and will do anything to ruin it. At first, Alexis goes to Blake and tells him that she would like to turn the art studio she deeded to L.B. into a playhouse for the boy. She can have workman over right in time for the wedding. Blake will have none of that and threatens to kick off any workmen that show.
This Lex-Dex joint venture will turn out alright
Alexis then has a better plan. After finally getting a hold of Dex, Dex comes to Alexis's office and the two pretty much have a nooner. Afterwards, Alexis tells Dex that the two should explore getting leases on mineral rights in Brazil. She has already booked a flight for the two for Rio the following day. Funny, Rio is the same place where Krystle and Blake are honeymooning. Dex is no fool and he will not share Alexis with anyone, especially not Blake.
At least Krystle did not try to pull off virginal white
Fine, if Dex does not want to go to Rio, Alexis can find someone else. And, who better else than Mark. Hell, he does not do much anyway other than enjoy Alexis's scotch. For a body guard, you would expect Mark to be more attentive to Alexis. Now, it is Mark's chance to prove himself. He is to go to Rio with Alexis and the two will be staying in the same hotel as Krystle and Blake. Maybe the four can have dinner together.
Wedding #2
Memorable Dialogue
Alexis: You remember Corfu, don't you Blake - where you and I honeymooned.
Blake: I tried very hard to forget.
Dex: So what's the scheme?
Alexis: Scheme? I'm not sure I like your choice of words, darling. You know I'm always totally on the up and up. Well, nearly always.
Dex: That's a nice performance, Alexis. But, as I've told you before, I'm not sharing you with anyone. I think you still have a thing for Blake Carrington.
Alexis: Blake Carrington? I loathe him.
Dex: Words, Alexis.
Alexis: Those are words from the bottom of my heart. I despise that man. And, as far as sharing you goes, exclusivity is something only I decide.
Mark can always be counted on to make a drink