dynasty Episode 27 - The Iago Syndrome
For those of you who don't know Shakespeare, Iago is the villainous character in Othello. Iago is the close confidante of Othello but is secretly jealous of Othello and determined to destroy him. How does this fit into this episode? Fortunately for us, Blake lays it all out. Feigning blindness and aware of Krystle's "infidelity" with Nick, Blake has a meeting with Nick. The meeting is to clear the air with Nick concerning his half-brother Gianni. Blake assures Nick that he had not known of Gianni's arrest until after he committed suicide. Nick reluctantly believes Blake. Nick also challenged Blake's blindness by moving a flame across his head to see how Blake would react. Why not make a sudden movement or toss something and see if Blake would flinch. Nick also feels that his need for revenge has cause an irreparable rupture between the two. Blake will not hear of such nonsense. The revenge was only planned, Blake is willing to move on and so is Nick.
You'll have to do better than that, Nick
Blake will move on all right - move on to his lunch appointment with Krystle. During lunch, Blake tells Krystle of Nick's plan for revenge and that such people will sometimes use others to get their revenge. That includes seducing and using the woman who is the target of the revenge. Gee, that would be Krystle. Without saying it outright, Blake tells Krystle that Nick used her to get his revenge. (Which is weird, why not use Fallon?) Krystle rushes over to Nick's and tell him that she wants nothing more to do with him. Nick pleads his case and even admits in the beginning there was a desire for revenge driving his attraction to Krystle. But, he truly loves her. Krystle responds with a slap!
Even if Joseph was going to read the editorial to Blake, why would he have the newspaper on his lap if he is blind. Wise up Krystle!
Nick, for some reason I am sure we will learn, decides to give up private practice and wants to go work at the hospital. The hospital administrator wonders why Nick would give up such a lucrative career. Nick returns to the cliche that he wants to help people. The administrator also asks Nick why he went from neuro-surgery to psychiatry. Nick claims that his hand was injured with shrapnel during Vietnam and he had no choice. After Nick leaves, the administrator dictates a letter to Washington to learn about Nick's service in Vietnam. Oooohhh, there is something there. His hand does seem fine!
Nick is not happy to lose Krystle, but at least she has on a different fur!
Alexis, meanwhile, tries to talk some sense into Steven about his money-grubbing wife, Sammy Jo. She also chastises Steven for telling Sammy Jo about Fallon's paternity. Steven responds that he did not tell her and that she overheard them talking. Regardless, Alexis warns Steven that if Sammy Jo speaks of it again, she will destroy her. Actually, Alexis threatens to blow her to smithereens.
Get a load of the machines in this workout room!
Cecil has some great news for Claudia, he has found Lindsey. Claudia is grateful and is willing to pay Cecil the cost of the search. Cecil does not want money, he wants information of Denver Carrington's shale oil extraction and gives her a gift box with a camera to take the pics. Claudia refuses to spy for Cecil. What is more important for you Claudia - Lindsey, or loyalty to Blake Carrington. Considering how annoying Lindsey was, this may be a more difficult choice that one would expect.
I wish drinking during lunch was professionally acceptable again.
Someone who is now totally loyal to Blake is Jeff. Jeff has been such a great help to Blake, that Blake offers to adopt Jeff. Jeff should thank Steven for the idea since Steven is tired of trying to be the son Blake wants when there is Jeff to fill the role. (Steven still has that ridiculous dream of being a race car driver.) Jeff cannot allow Blake to adopt him, but Blake lets the offer stand. Jeff does get some use out of the offer though, he uses it to stick it to Cecil when Jeff claims he is ashamed to be a Colby sometimes. Cecil is not loving the idea of Jeff becoming a Carrington.
Fallon feels guilty about sending that anonymous letter to Blake. Why? Blake does not seem that upset. In fact he loves the manipulation. Regardless, Fallon tells Alexis that she wants to tell Blake the truth. Alexis will not allow it. Besides, how would Nick feel if he found out Fallon was in on the plot. Fallon cannot believe how quickly her mother would turn on her. Really? Alexis will do what she has to do to get Krystle out of Blake's life.
Blake, you really should have seen that coming
It might not take much, Krystle finds the letter and confronts Blake with it. Krystle is sick of Blake's manipulation (we heard that back in Season 1). Why not just have a real argument with Krystle? Blake needed to be sure. Likely story. Blake, with a valid point, claims he is supposed to believe Krystle that nothing happened with Nick other than attraction while Blake does not get the same benefit of the doubt with respect to Alexis. Blake's argument is damaged when Krystle finds Alexis's handkerchief in Blake's office.
Krystle could have sent Joseph over to return it
Krystle is kind enough to return the handkerchief to Alexis in her studio. The two spar and Alexis scores the ultimate verbal knock out by noting that she and Blake have a bond, children, that Krystle can never have with Blake. Krystle gives up and lets Alexis know that she and Blake deserve each other. Krystle is going to return to Ohio. Blake meets her at the airport and pleads with her to stay. Krystle needs to board or else her ticket will be given to someone waiting standby. Krystle goes through the gate. Blake feels defeated but Krystle does not get on the plane and she and Blake embrace. (This totally sucks for the person on standby.) Blake promises to be a better man - no more manipulation. Just one little problem, you are faking your blindness Blake.
Look at Alexis's new painting
Unable to win Krystle, Nick goes for the silver medal and tells Fallon that he wants to be her. Fallon had already thought she lost Nick for good, but is ready to be with him. Gee Fallon you should be suspicious of Nick's motives - you are smart, aren't you?
Memorable Dialogue
Blake: Why? I am not accusing you of anything, Krystle. I'm not even accusing Toscanni. I'm merely talking hypothetically about some men who seek revenge. Of course, the classic tactic is for the avenger to turn the enemy's woman against the enemy, to poison her mind, to use her soul and body.
Jeff: You know sometimes you almost make me ashamed of being a Colby
Cecil: Oh, then change your name. I won't mind.
Jeff: I just might do that.
Cecil: Really, to what.
Jeff: Carrington. Blake offered to adopt me. I said no but considering what you done to our name.
Alexis: A union, a bond that was strengthened when I gave him two children. And that's a bond you can never have with him Krystle.
Krystle: You're right Alexis. You and Blake do deserve each other.