dynasty episode 6 - The Bordello
Walter has decided he will make a straight man out of Steven. Little does Walter know that Steven does not feel sorry for kissing Claudia and neither does she - that's kind of straight. Anyway, Walter's great plan involves bringing Steven to a bordello and talking to him of the sexiness of women the entire trip. Even though Walter arrived early (who knew Bordellos have an hour of business), the madam was willing to find a suitable woman for Steven. And the action between the two was great - they watched television. Now, I don't understand why the rooms in a bordello have televisions, but I guess it was useful this time. Afterwards, Steven pretended with Walter that he had a great time. Walter was pleased with his progress.
Yeah, this isn't going to work - even if Steven was straight!
Now, if only the oil work was progressing as well. The jerk who outed Steven loosened some screw which caused the entire rig to fail. The men blamed Steven, and Steven apologized for something he did not do on purpose (or do at all). Matthew has no choice but to let Steven go. Steven throws himself at his father's mercy and is even willing to give up loving another man if Blake will extend credit to Matthew. Blake will have none of that. How could his son go straight for Matthew and not him? Fortunately for Matthew, Krystle is part of that conversation. She chastises Blake for the way he treated his son, and just his general ruthlessness in business. Blake tells Krystle she better get on board.
Wait, Krystle did have her friends at the mansion!
Krystle realizes that ruthlessness is what is needed. Too bad for Blake she uses it against him. Krystle gets her old co-worker (they actually returned to the mansion) to get a replica of the necklace that Blake got her for their first dinner party. She sells the original and gives Matthew the money so he can continue with his dream without having to turn to Carrington or Colby. Maybe Krystle should not have dropped the money off late at night alone with Matthew in a trailer. The two kiss and profess their love for one another. It would have gone further but Krystle came to her senses.
Thanks for the cash, but I'd rather have you.
After Blake rejected Steven's overture, Steven decides he is going to return to New York, and to Ted. Fallon does not want to see her brother go. She tells Steven why not take everything Blake has to offer and just keep his private life, private. I guess Steven did not know that Fallon knew he was gay. Get over Steven, everyone knows it. Interestingly, in the scene between Fallon and Steven, Fallon refers to herself as the kid sister, implying that she is the younger of the two. The opposite is true.
What the hell is that animal thing on the left
Finally, Denver Carrington is in real trouble as his oil reserves have been nationalized. It is time for Blake to hide assets, and what better way that to transfer things to Krystle. As the dutiful wife, Krystle signs the papers. Legally, I doubt this would work, but it does on television.
Type that contract faster!
Memorable Dialogue
Blake: Does that mean you'll give up your curious New York ways?
Steven: Yes, sir.
Krystle: That's a rotten thing to say
Blake: Sometimes, rotten things have to be said.
Krystle: And done, Carrington style
Fallon: Do you want to play hide and seek, Stevie, or do you want to talk like big people.
Steven: Okay, I'm in love with a man. And, you're married to a man you don't love. Now, you tell me something, Fallon - which one is worse, which one is more immoral.
Fallon: Does being gay also make you clairvoyant.
Krystle: No, Matthew. I can't give you anything else that belongs to him.
Previous Episode - The Chauffeur Tells a Secret
Next Episode - Krystle's Lie