dynasty Episode 190 - The Bracelet
Sean is pissed off that he missed Blake and hit Alexis. During the light mayhem, Sean some how manages to escape the rafters and to rush to the side of his wife. No one seems to have bothered to look where the shot came from and the writers did not seem to bother to explain how Sean disposed of the rifle. Since there is no police investigation of the shooting, we will all just move on and act like no one cares about such a crime.
Blake makes sure none of the blood stains Alexis's dress
Fortunately for Alexis, the shot only grazed her temple (just like Sable in Season 1 of The Colbys). Still, the brush with death, even if the bullet was intended for Blake, scares Alexis and she is determined to go forward with dropping out of the race. Sean is not looking forward to having Alexis return to Colby Co. (where supposedly no one has ever tried to kill her, cough cough, Neil McVane) and needs to get his plan with Harry Thresher moving forward.
I hope I look that good if I get shot
But, before racing off to Natumbe, Sean tries to seduce Leslie in his bedroom while his wife is in the hospital. Even this is a little too creepy for the ambitious Leslie. Leslie is able to sneak out when Sean takes a phone call from Thresher. Unfortunately, Leslie drops her bracelet, the one Alexis gave to her, right next to Alexis's bed. Leslie does not seem to notice right away as she is curious as to Sean's business with Thresher in Natumbe. What better way to find out than to follow him there which is exactly what Leslie does.
Even Leslie has some class
As Alexis lays in the hospital, Blake checks in on her to make sure she is okay. Alexis tells Blake that she is going to drop out of the race. Blake is appreciative and agrees to have at least one state dinner in her honor when he wins. Krystle cannot believe Alexis would drop out and also believes that Blake should drop out because that bullet was intended for him. Blake assures Krystle that he will be fine and that security will increase.
How Reaganesque
After telling Blake that she is going to drop out of the race, Alexis is visited by Gordon Wales who tells her that there has been a great out pouring of support since she took a bullet for Blake. Further, Gordon will not be publishing the hit piece on Alexis and could not if he wanted to because it never looks good to attack someone who is now viewed as a heroine and a viable candidate. Alexis likes the sound of having a chance to actually win the race. Had she known that taking a bullet would do it, I am sure she would have done it earlier. So, Alexis changes her mind once again and announces that she intends to remain in the race, for the people of Colorado, and to win. Krystle cannot believe she lied to Blake (really?). Blake is not thrilled but she did save his life. Besides, he still intends to defeat her.
Dex thinks he found the smoking gun
Alexis is more confused by it
While Alexis is being shot, Dex is snooping through Harry Thresher's office in Natumbe. Apparently, there is great security in this African country. Dex amazingly comes upon a picture of Thresher and Sean as fellow soldiers (mercenaries). Why would Thresher keep such a picture in his drawer? Memories. Heck, why not just frame it? Also, the mercenary community cannot be that big that Dex was not aware of Thresher and Sean's relationship. Anyway, Dex believes he has found the smoking gun against Sean or at least that Thresher cannot be trusted. He found something or else he wouldn't have said, "Bingo" after seeing the picture.
That moment when you learn your divorce never happened
Back in Denver, Karen, Dana and Sammy Jo are shopping for the baby (Karen is very much pregnant) and bring the baby clothes back to Karen's place for some reason. As Karen is going to prepare some coffee for Dana and Sammy Jo, she gets a phone call that visibly disturbs her. Karen does not want to talk about it and Dana and Sammy Jo decide to give her some space and leave without taking the clothes for the baby. Why? We later learn that the phone call was from Jesse, Karen's ex-husband who has returned to Denver and pays Karen a visit. There is just one snag, the two are not divorced because Jesse could not bring himself to sign the final divorce papers. Why does this always seem to happen? And, how does someone go through the process of divorce and not bother to get a copy of the final divorce decree? Didn't Karen have a lawyer? Anyway, this could present a problem for the surrogacy as well as recent reports of surrogates refusing to turn over the baby once giving birth.
Jeff makes his first deal of the day
Even though Jeff is Blake's campaign manager, he sure seems to have a lot of free time on his hands to wheel and deal. First, Jeff learns about some financial difficulties that Sammy Jo is having at Delta Rho. Sammy Jo does not want to sell off assets of Delta Rho because it was her father's. What about Daniel's other assets - like his news empire? Anyway, Jeff offers to invest in Delta Rho to help Sammy Jo out and Sammy Jo accepts his offer. Second, after aiding Sammy Jo, Jeff talks to Dex about coming back to finish the pipeline. Dex refuses to work with Denver Carrington unless Blake is back in control. That is quite a tall order. Jeff needs that pipeline to be finished since it is the interest of Colby Enterprises.
Steven is not happy with Jeff's interference
Sammy Jo tells Steven that Jeff has agreed to be her partner at Delta Rho and Steven is not thrilled since he would prefer to be the one to help out Sammy Jo. However, that is the exact reason why Sammy Jo did not ask Steven for help. She has found a new man to lean on. Apparently, Steven is not pleased and tries to make a deal with Jeff. If Jeff refuses to help Sammy Jo, he will ask Dex to come back and finish the pipeline. That deal goes no where since Dex would not come back anyway. Pissed, Steven warns Jeff that he will not allow him to ruin Sammy Jo's life the way he had done Fallon. Jeff has a better idea - he is going to anonymously purchase all available Denver Carrington stock. I've bitched about this plenty - but when did Denver Carrington go public?
That pony tail did not turn Sammy Jo on?
Steven believes that Jeff is helping Sammy Jo because he has sights on her, which is probably true but we need some sort of impetus to put the two together. What perfect story than to put Sammy Jo into distress. At one of Blake's campaign stops (funny we never see Alexis campaign), some douche bag looking guy with a douche bag pony tail takes an instant liking to Sammy Jo who is not interested. That does not stop the guy from paying a visit to the local headquarters later to get all touchy feely on Sammy Jo. Jeff arrives just in time to have his stunt double attack the stunt double of the douche bag. Jeff comforts the shaken Sammy Jo and brings her back to Delta Rho.
At least the one stunt double could have the pony tail
Alexis is through with male assistants and learns from her female assistant that Leslie also happens to be in Natumbe but did not take the same flight as Sean. That does not seem to bother her so much. Neither does it seem to bother her when Dex tells her that Sean has a pre-existing relationship with Thresher and uses the photo to prove it. (Thresher didn't notice it missing?) Alexis finally becomes bothered when she retires to her bedroom and notices, thanks to her dog, the bracelet that she gave to Leslie. Alexis may be dense about many things but not about this and with impeccable aim she throws the bracelet at a picture of Sean while crying out "You bastard."
Sammy Jo's hero
Memorable Dialogue
Leslie: I'm tired of being a salaried employee, the poor relation two steps above a servant.