dynasty Episode 191 - The Warning
Even for a slow season, this is quite a slow episode. Then again, there usually are such episodes as we near the end of the season. Alexis decides she is going to play a little game with Leslie instead of confronting her outright about sleeping with Sean. Alexis calls Leslie in Natumbe and asks her how the deal is going but uses such language as to pretty much scream that she knows Leslie and Sean are having an affair. Leslie tells Sean that she believes Alexis is on to them, but Sean feels that Leslie is being paranoid.
Leslie is afraid of rubber snakes
At the same time, Leslie wants greater details of the scam Sean is running in Natumbe so she can get her cut. Leslie even threatens Sean to divulge what she knows if she does not get what is owed to her. Sean assures her that she will get what she deserves, and what she deserves is a threat via an African mumba snake. Leslie quickly learns not to cross Sean. Leslie is so spooked by the incident that she asks Dex for her job back when she returns to Denver. When Dex tries to pump Leslie for information, she tells him to forget it, but Leslie is visibly scared of Sean.
Alexis's campaign manager approved of this attire
Alexis, the candidate who really does not campaign, truly believes that she has a chance to win the governor's race and her charming of the press helps. Why actually speak about the issues and talk to the people when you can get all dolled up for the press? Alexis is actually going to attend a campaign function - the state bar convention in Vail. Blake is also going even though Krystle does not want him to leave because she fears for his safety and doesn't know what she will do if she loses Blake. It's as if Krystle did not have a life before meeting Blake. In the unfortunate event that something bad happens to Blake, Krystle can become a wealthy widow. That may ease the pain. Gee, at least she does not have another dream of Ben killing Blake.
This is the annoying Krystle
Alexis and Blake get stuck in Vail because of snow. It snows in Vail, who knew? The scenes from Vail are pretty much filler even though we get to see Blake in a horrible sweater. Alexis suggests to Blake that he drop out of the race and run as her lieutenant governor (does she not already have one on her ticket). Blake laughs at the idea. Is Alexis really that serious? Hell, she tries again and this time shows Blake an article of Alexis picking up support among Blake's voters. Once again, Blake brushes Alexis and her stupid notions off. Wish we all could.
Krystle should worry about who packed this sweater for Blake
Guess who is not in Vail, Blake's campaign manager, Jeff. Once again, Jeff has more free time than any campaign manager in history. How does Jeff spend this free time? Well, besides wearing a hideous sweater (so many hideous sweaters this season), he asks Sammy Jo why she has been avoiding him. Sammy Jo does not want a partner and has decided that it is best that she not lean on another man for support. Great, the sisters are doing it for themselves. Jeff tells Sammy Jo that he is helping her because he likes her. The romance is coming.
Is it natural for a father to always shake his son's hand
Jeff also happens to be buying that Denver Carrington stock which is beginning to spook other shareholders fearful of a take over attempt. How much outstanding stock is there? Could someone possibly take over Denver Carrington without getting either Blake or Dominique to sell? Regardless, Jeff is going to have to announce himself soon because once an entity acquires 6% of stock, that entity must reveal itself. Blake wants to be there when the purchaser goes public but Steven convinces him that he must trust him. The big reveal is anti-climatic. Jeff's only demand is a seat on the Executive Committee overlooking the pipeline and getting Dex back to work on the pipeline. Instead of engaging in a proxy fight, Steven acquiesces. Of course, we are to assume Dex is going to go back to work even without Blake in charge and that the whole easement issue has been settled.
Wait, wasn't this an afternoon meeting?
The stress of Jesse's return is getting to Karen and she tells Dana about her not-divorce from Jesse. Dana is worried that Jesse could now interfere with the baby since they have no agreement with him. But, Karen assures Dana that this will be her and Adam's baby. Adam does not want to take any chances and decides it is best to pay off Jesse so he can leave town until Karen turns over the baby. Dana believes it to be a bad idea, but since when is Adam going to listen to Dana. Adam does get Jesse to agree to take $100,000 to leave town for just a little bit.
The typical Adam and Dana pose
Then, Jesse does something stupid and tells Karen of his plan and Karen is so upset by it that she kicks Jesse out. Here is where this whole thing gets weird. We were led to believe that Karen did not want Jesse back in her life but now she does. Gee, make up your mind. Maybe it was Jesse's grand gesture of bursting past Gerard (not hard to do) to see Karen at the Carrington mansion after she fainted because of the stress. It does not matter because Jesse decides to rescind his deal with Adam once Karen kicks him out. Karen and the children are more important than the money. Dude, seriously take the money.
Karen fainted just to enjoy this bed
Sean happens to see Jesse visit Adam's office and knows that Jesse is playing both sides here. Oh yes, it was Sean who brought Jesse back to Denver to make Adam fear that he may lose his child. Heck, if Adam ultimately does lose his child, even the better. When Sean confronts Jesse about playing both sides, Jesse returns the money to Sean and tells him that once the baby is born he is taking Karen and the children and leaving them all. Well, I guess they won't be making it into the opening credits any time soon.
Karen really misses that bed
Starting to see all his great plans unravel, Sean returns home to a sleeping Alexis (campaigning is so difficult). He contorts his tie into an instrument of strangulation and assures Alexis that no one gets away, especially her. It is so difficult for the men in Alexis's life to control their urges to kill her.
Sean really loves his wife
Memorable Dialogue
Alexis: I think you should withdraw from the race and run as my lieutenant governor.
Blake: Alexis, of all the years I've known you, that is the single most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard you say.
Alexis: Why? Because you don't think I'm smart enough or clever enough, or is it that you don't think any woman is capable of running for government or perhaps you have been married to that wimp Krystle for so long that you've forgotten what a real woman is capable of doing.
Blake: On the contrary, she's helped me to understand what a real woman should be.
Sean: [to a sleeping Alexis]: No one get away, Alexis, no one. Not even you.