The colbys episode 22 - “The Reckoning”
The plane ride to Athens among Jason, Sable and Frankie must have been pretty intense. So intense that Frankie and Sable managed to change their outfits from the previous episode. Sable is doing everything in her power to make Frankie feel uncomfortable. And, to be honest, Frankie kind of deserves it. As the trio fly over Corfu, Sable uses that as an opportunity to tell of the romantic time that she and Jason had on the island. This is the perfect moment for Jason to wash up. Alone with her sister, Sable apologizes for gushing like a school girl, especially since poor Frankie cannot be with her husband at the moment. Frankie may want to tell Sable the truth, but Sable is making it more and more difficult. It is fun to watch Frankie squirm.
Keep squirming, Frankie
And the squirming continues in Athens. While Jason tries to clear Jeff (more on this later), Sable takes Frankie shopping to get her mind off Jeff and get her mind on her homewrecking ways. Sable tries to convince Frankie that her marriage to Jason is strong and that the two have recently made love. At the same time, Sable manages to get in as many subtle (are they subtle?) digs as possible. Frankie gets out of the situation by claiming that she doesn’t feel well and Sable agrees that she doesn’t look well.
Sable is concerned for poor Frankie.
Meanwhile, Jason is able to speak to the cab driver in Athens who swears that he drove Jeff to Levatis’s place an hour before his death, and heard the two argue. This is too easy for Jason to blow out of the water. Jason has the doorman at the hotel come in and claim that Jeff used a private car the entire time and that he has never seen the cab driver and this doorman knows all the cabbies in Athens. Jason gets a little rough and the cabbie finally admits that he was paid to make his claims. He does not know who paid him but he was asked to lie in front of Powers Shipping. Hmmmm . . . Zach couldn’t be this clumsy.
The easy way to get the truth!
Jeff is no longer in trouble which is the perfect opportunity for Jason and Frankie to celebrate together. Frankie is so excited that she kisses Jason - it is a good thing that Frankie and Jason/Sable did not get adjoining suites. Well, that does not stop Sable from interrupting as she needed Jason after learning that Monica believes that Miles has skipped bail (more on that later). Of course, Sable is devastated and needs Jason to comfort her. And Jason, as always, obliges.
Don’t they know that Sable is near by.
Connie clearly has nothing better to do than to meddle in this Jason/Sable/Frankie triangle and try to get Sable to divorce Jason with as little pain as possible for Jason. Connie fears that Sable could do some real damage to Colby Enterprises if she is able to get some power in the company. Garrett does not believe Sable wants any power, just the house. Connie suspects that with the right advice, Sable could demand power, and that advice is probably coming from Zach Powers. Connie invites Zach to her office to act cryptic, to have him sit in her seat and to let him know that he will never sit in that seat while she is alive. (A little premonition there.)
They do now!
Clearing Jeff was pretty easy, but clearing Miles is going to be a lot more difficult. Monica takes Miles down to where he had the fight with Mahoney to try to get him to remember what happened. But, Miles cannot remember - he was too drunk. As a person who may have blacked out on occasion, I can attest that there is nothing you can do to retrieve the memories. At least with the smart phone, I am able to better piece things together than Miles. Miles has a better idea - he decides to go to the Parris Clinic (to see the doctor that helped Fallon retrieve her memory) to be medically induced to try to remember. However, the attempt fails. Of course it failed, the reason a person who blacks out cannot remember anything is that the memories from the short term are somehow blocked from being stored in the part of the brain that houses such memories long term. Dr. Parris should have known that. But. why not get another Colby check.
If only this could work, I would remember so many nights!
Also, Miles should have told someone his plan, because the Assistant D.A. got a tip that Miles left L.A, County which means he has skipped bail. No one in the family can find him. Moretti pays Monica a visit. Monica convinces Moretti not to seek a bench warrant by promising that Miles will attend the preliminary hearing the following day - a hearing Miles is not obligated to attend. Some good quick thinking on Monica’s part.
Wayne can see, yawn!
Since we are talking about Monica, it should be said that Wayne pays her a visit and he can see. He can see how beautiful Monica is and how worried she is about her brother. There really is nothing more to say on this.
Sable will do anything for Miles.
Miles arrives at the preliminary hearing at the last moment. Now, he won’t go to jail for skipping bail, but he is in serious trouble as Moretti provides his evidence against Miles, including the murder weapon. Mahoney died as a result of blunt force trauma and the police found Miles’s monogramed tire mallet in the water close to Mahoney’s body. Miles’s fingerprints are on the mallet (obviously). Oddly, Moretti does not claim that Mahoney’s blood was on the mallet. That would be really damaging evidence. Still, things don’t look good for Miles. They are so bad that Sable offers to lie for Miles by claiming that she was attending to Miles’s wounds at the time Mahoney was murdered. Say what you will, Sable is a good mother.
Seriously, I just love the judge’s hair.
And she is a devoted wife, desperate to save her marriage. Sable confronts Connie for conspiring with Frankie to undermine her marriage with Jason. Connie plays dumb but would love nothing more than for Jason to get his divorce and to marry his ex-wife’s sister. Connie really should have stayed with that cowboy. After Sable threatens Connie that she will drag the divorce out so long that Connie will die first (premonition again), Connie decides to use the tape against Sable - finally.
Jason wants Frankie to decide what she wants!
Sable is determined to outlast Connie!
Connie plays the tape for Jason. Jason was already anguished by Frankie’s claim that he still wants to be with Sable, and hearing the tape anguishes him more. What the hell is Jason supposed to do with the tape? Connie wants him to fight! What will Jason do, other than clutch the tape in anguish (I have used that word too much in this paragraph) with that look that reminds me of Charlton Heston in “Planet of the Apes.”
It’s just a tape!
Memorable Dialogue:
Frankie: But, Corfu is overrun with tourists now.
Sable: That’s because Jason and I put it on the map. Didn’t we darling?
Connie: Enjoy it, Mr. Powers. Because as long as I am alive, you will never see this room again from behind that desk. Never.
Sable [to Frankie]: God knows none of us are as young as we used to be. Oh, to be 20 again, eh? But then only an idiot would try to recapture the past.
Sable: Oh, you care, Connie. You care very much. You and Frankie - what a perfect pair - the snoop sisters of Bel Air.
Connie: I love my brother and I’ll be damned if I’ll stand by and watch you bleed him dry.
Sable: It’s all you can do - stand by. He needs a settlement before he can get a divorce. I can hang on for years. So many years, you’ll never live to see the day.
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