the colbys episode 32 - “Deceptions”
Before we go over this episode, here is an interesting note. In the highlights from previous episodes, a screen shot of Fallon’s medical records appears which did not appear in the episode. You want to know why? Take a look:
Just not right
Quite a few mistakes for just a small blurb. It is highly unlikely that Fallon is that young. There are several ways to pin down Fallon’s age but let’s go with the obvious one. For Fallon to be 25, that means she was about 18/19 when Dynasty started. However, when Dynasty started Steven had already graduated college and Fallon is older than him (though in Season 1, Fallon may have been younger). Mistake #2 - Caucasian is spelled wrong. Mistake #3 - No known disorders. That is quite the stretch considering Fallon’s head aches and amnesia but maybe not a complete mistake.
What a happy couple. At least Frankie is allowed to eat in the mansion.
Okay, time to move on. Sable is absolutely giddy that Miles could be the father of Fallon’s baby (Sable is certain he is). Sable’s happiness disturbs Frankie who feels when Sable is that happy, trouble is bound to happen. Frankie is very preoccupied with Jeff and Fallon, and tells Jason that she is but cannot tell him why. That is so annoying. If you can’t say anything, then don’t say anything at all. I hate that. I would rather just be ignorant.
Happy Sable is a dangerous Sable
In a replay of the first season, Sable goes to Arthur to see what are Miles legal options. Arthur advises Sable that since Fallon likely conceived the child while she was still married to Miles that he is the presumptive father of the child - which is totally true. As such, Miles can go to court to enforce his rights. Oh are we really going to go to court again?
It’s been a while since Sable went after Fallon.
We know how this will play out. Sable will go to Miles to tell her what she has learned. But first, Sable decides to play games with Fallon. Sable pretty much tells Fallon that she knows and goads Fallon to tell her, but Fallon doesn’t bite. Sable gets Miles to admit that he had raped Fallon while they were still married. Sable kind of brushes off the rape but tells Miles that because of it that he is the father of Fallon’s baby. (This is the problem of using rape storylines, it is just not taken seriously and done with little consequences.) The next day, Miles confronts Fallon while she walking and Fallon tries to deny it, but Miles does not buy it. Besides, Miles needs to confront his lying brother about it. I wonder if the two will get into a physical altercation since they never do.
Casual conversation about rape with your mother.
We will get back to Miles/Fallon/Jeff in a moment. So is Bliss’s job just to watch Kolya and the other dancer practice all day? She always seem to be in the dance studio. I mean if you are trying to keep your relationship a secret, do not be so obvious. The two plan a secret rendezvous (Karyn White reference) by the hotel fountain. Anna tells Bliss that she was wrong to encourage her and Kolya. Bliss needs to leave Kolya alone or they will force him back to the Soviet Union and end his dancing career. Bliss decides to go anyway but changes her mind when she sees Sasha. Sasha tells Kolya that Bliss is not coming - what do you expect from an American girl?
You ain’t fooling anyone.
Zach is still determined to muscle his way into the I.M.O.S project. This time he is trying to acquire West German Aerodynamics. Jason does not know how Zach is aware of West German Aerodynamics involvement in the project. There must be a mole leaking information to Zach (I mean it could not be that there would be so few private companies who could possibly be involved) and Jason believes it to be Cash. Jason gets Colby security to tail Cash.
Monica can’t look directly at Cash
Cash is probably too busy pursuing Monica to be leaking information to Zach. Also, there are probably tons of people in Washington leaking such information. Cash tells Monica that his marriage to Adrienne is in name only (Monica heard that one last year) and that he is still in love with her. Monica tries to hide her feelings but that lasted all of this episode. The two kiss again. Good thing that Adrienne and their child come to Los Angeles in a week.
She really can’t
Miles tells Channing that he is the father of Fallon’s baby. This does not sit well with Channing. She does not want to have Miles’ baby even though she willing to adopt children (an idea that Jason is cool with) but now Miles may have a child via blood with the woman that Miles is still in love with. Miles assures her that this does not change anything between the two. Regardless, Channing has no choice but to enter into an alliance with Sable and let Sable handle everything. Is that the best idea? Probably, Sable knows that Fallon does not love Miles and that Miles and Fallon will never be together.
Fallon is not the best liar.
Sable finally tells Jason about Fallon’s baby. Of course, Jason wants to get ahead of it but that is impossible since Sable already put everything into motion. It’s great how Sable makes things worse and that admires Jason for controlling her mess. Since Miles is angry, Jason sends Jeff out of town (Fallon joins him) so Miles can cool off and they can handle the matter as rational adults. Jeff is going to have to come back eventually and Miles will be waiting for him. In fact, Miles learns that Jeff has the helicopter and will be returning to Colby Enterprises at 6pm. Great, the fight is going to happen on the roof of Colby Enterprises. Funny, didn’t Jeff fight Adam on the roof of a building one time.
I wouldn’t hold it against Jeff if he let Miles fall.
Predictably, Jeff and Miles fight on the roof with Fallon watching and screeching. And to make the fight better, it is raining and the roof is slick, slick enough that Miles goes over the edge. Jeff grasps onto his wrist but he is losing the grip as the episode ends. Really Jeff, why not just drop him.
Memorable Dialogue
Frankie: What was that all about?
Jason: Beats me. At least she [Sable] is happy.
Frankie: When she’s happy, it usually means trouble.
Sable: Isn’t the law marvelous when you know how to use it.
Sable: There’s enough tension in this house without me adding to it.
Fallon: At least we agree on something.
Sable: But I get the distinct impression there’s something a bit strange about the baby. Well . . .
Fallon: If you’re expecting an answer, it’s going to be a long wait.
Sable: But maybe not quite as long as you think.
Jason: Destruction - it’s a way of life for you.
Sable: Well that’s something I learned from my husband.
Sable: I’ll help you with Miles
Channing: Why are you doing this for me?
Sable: I need an ally and so do you.
Channing: I know, it’s just that I. . .
Sable: Look, you don’t even have to like me. You just have to love my son.
Previous Episode - Bloodlines
Next Episode - And Baby Makes Four