dynasty Episode 162 - The Portrait
So, we are at the halfway part of the season and the writers/producers have decided to shift gears and put family drama in the forefront while the Blake and Alexis conflict subsides. In fact, too many people are getting along on this show. Granted, there is still some conflict, but it just isn't as much fun. At least Krystle and Alexis are still antagonists. I mean, if they got along, what is the point of this show.
Blake looks like a corpse
Krystle is glad to be reunited with Blake but something is nagging at her. She really wants to know whether Blake and Alexis slept together while they spent those five days in Singapore reminiscing and dancing. Krystle just cannot ask Blake because that would be too easy. Matters are not helped when Alexis sends her portrait of Blake to the mansion and Dominique thinks there is something more there since it is Alexis. But our sainted Krystle (no longer the empty armed Madonna) does not want to seem petty to actually ask Blake. Why seem petty when you can just be distant and give yourself an ulcer worrying? Good plan.
Dex is not thrilled with Alexis painting
As noted, Blake and Alexis are on friendly terms. Of course this does not sit well with Dex who is now jealous of Blake. Actually, Dex may have always been jealous of Blake, at least Alexis's feelings for Blake. Alexis rightly calls out Dex since Dex had been encouraging a rapprochement between Blake and Alexis. As always, Alexis could care less about Dex's opinion on this matter and Dex acts his typical hot headed self by knocking over a table.
Goodbye Amanda, for good!
Ultimate proof that Blake and Alexis are getting along involves Amanda. Remember her. Well, she has been written off the show and gets the best goodbye ever - a short letter to Blake that Michael brings him. Heck, the writers care so little about Amanda that Blake's voice is the one you hear when the letter is read. Amanda has gone off to London and Blake feels that he and Alexis should just give her time to come back to Denver. Wait for it - Alexis agrees. She has never agreed with Blake about how to handle the children. That's that - Amanda will be in London until she is ready to return to Denver. By the way, do not wait for her return, or even a mention of her for that matter.
Totally gratuitous and Michael's legs are smoother than most women
Now, you may wonder what this show can do without a young woman (Sammy Jo does not count). No fears, Leslie has arrived in Denver. Remember Leslie, Ben's daughter. She has finally come to confront her father about abandoning her. Irony of all ironies, Leslie already knows Dex and Michael from previous dealings. Dex was her former boss and Michael scammed her. At least Leslie gets even with Michael by getting him to take his clothes off with the promise of a shower together. (Men are such dupes.) When Michael is in the shower, Leslie takes his clothes and leaves. Thankfully for Michael there is a men's shop in the Carlton to replace his clothes (not to mention the numerous towels and sheets).
How many animals died for that.
Since we are talking about Leslie, let's catch up with Ben who is still in Hong Kong. Before returning to Denver, Blake and Krystle fly out to Hong Kong because Blake wants to see Ben who is now acting like a real brother. Gee, that is a pretty tall order Blake, isn't it? It took Ben saving your life to actually consider forgiveness. I'd fail that test. Blake even invites Ben to stay at the mansion while he gets his life in order. (Krystle is not entirely thrilled about this but she is willing to give Ben a chance.) It is at the mansion that Leslie finally confronts Ben. Ben is joyful to see Leslie and claims that he did not abandon them but that Leslie's wife ran off and took Leslie. Leslie's mother could resolve this but she is dead. Leslie cannot believe Ben and she runs off.
Domestic bliss
Steven and Sammy Jo are totally getting along and that is making Danny a happier person. During a thunderstorm, Sammy Jo happens to show up at Steven's apartment (for a reason we do no know) and Steven invites her to spend the night - not in the same bed of course. Sammy Jo agrees and returns to Delta Rho to find Clay who is now pissed. Does Clay have that right? To make it even more hilarious, Clay accuses Sammy Jo of still being in love with Steven. What? You can even question whether she ever was in love with Steven. And Steven, well we know about him.
Alexis does not approve of that sweater
Clay is not the only one who does not approve of Sammy Jo and Steven's new found closeness. Alexis does not want to see Sammy Jo hurt Steven and Danny and she lets her feelings known. But even though, Alexis is not as harsh with Sammy Jo as normal. Yeah, she gives a few snide remarks but does not to stoop to the level of noting her ice cream parlor face.
Aunty Dominique giving lessons
For some reason, Steven and Sammy Jo go to his nightclub which has no name and has a DJ that plays an instrumental version of Steve Windwood's "Higher Love". Steven probably should have taken Sammy Jo to one of Denver's gay clubs (which was a restaurant in a previous episode) that do not play elevator music and expect people to dance to it. Further, if Steven and Sammy Jo had gone to a gay club, they would not have run into Clay who causes a scene with Steven. Clay makes the mistake of claiming that Steven is not even a man, which causes Steven to punch Clay (same line that Dex used that caused Steven to fight him). The two only have a minor scuffle and it was not nearly as homo-erotic as Steven's fight with Clay's brother Bart. Either way Clay, you need to accept that you lost your wife to a gay man.
I guess the night club did not even bother name it
Clay's jealousy of Steven, as odd as it may be, is topped by Krystle's jealousy of Alexis. That portrait is really bothering Krystle. Alexis does little to sooth Krystle's fears and actually encourages them by refusing to tell Krystle whether she and Blake slept together. Krystle cannot even ask Blake that question but Blake knows what is bothering Krystle and he tells her that there was no spark between he and Alexis. Relieved, Krystle embraces Blake to the Dynasty theme as the episode comes to an end.
Looks like the sun
Memorable Dialogue
Alexis: Hello Sammy Jo. I'm afraid your maid let me in because I lied and said I was a friend of yours.
Alexis: That work of art you're examining, are you thinking of buying it.
Sammy Jo: I have an option to buy but I haven't made up my mind.
Alexis: Really? You know I saw something like that recently.
Sammy Jo: Where?
Alexis: In a flea market in Singapore.
I bet Steven wishes he was fighting again
Alexis: Well, I don't blame you for being jealous. Loving Blake the way that you do - you should be. Goodbye.
Krystle: I do have some questions. What would have happened if I hadn't showed up at the villa. Would you have stayed on for five more days or five more weeks? And, would you have done anything to help Blake remember the years he lost. Would you have, Alexis?
Alexis: You're asking me everything except what you really want to know. Did Blake and I make love and was it better with me than with you?
Clay [to Steven]: You used your son to get back in her life and the ironic thing is - you're not even a man.
Previous Episode - A Love Remembered, Part 2
Next Episode - The Birthday